4/12M Healer LF Progress

Hi Squish,

We’re actively recruiting for Shadowlands and looking for players with some prior mythic experience who want to step into a more organized raid environment going into the expansion. We need one more healer, preferably a mistweaver. I should note that our raid times a very close, but not precisely what you described above. We raid 7-10pm EST Mon/Wed/Thurs. Specifically, invites go out at 6:55. If there’s some wiggle room on your start time, read on to see if we can be a good fit.

We raid a fairly casual schedule at 9-hour per week and try to take advantage of our limited schedule by coming to raid with high level of preparation. As a practical example, raid testing starts tomorrow, and we take testing footage and logs from other guilds to create internal video guides for the heroic encounters. That means we’ll have some fight guides for Castle Nathria posted on our discord this upcoming weekend. Those guides serve as the starting point for our strategy discussions. You can find an example of one from Nyalotha in our guild recruitment post.

In addition to our focus on walking into raid well-prepared, we have a relentless focus on fostering a positive and productive raid culture. I’ve linked out recruitment post so you can read about it. Our post includes links to some videos of recent raid nights so you can get a sense of what it’s like to play here.

If you like what you read and watch, drop us an application at the link in the bottom of the guild post