411 Pally Tank LF Weekend Raiding Guild

Faction: Willing to swap currently Alliance

Server: Willing to swap currently aerie-peak

Aegìs- 411 Prot

Experience: 8/8N Uldir 8/8H Uldir 1/8M Uldir ( had to take a break due to work before the next raids came out)

Availability: Weekend Mornings or nights

Btag: ExoForce#11279

About me: 27 year old Systems administrator, work can get crazy during the week so weekends are the best times for me. I’m pretty laid back easy going about just about everything. I ran an end game progression group in mists and got burnt out, looking to jump back into a group that is above casual but not hardcore. Hit me or drop a post!


Hey Aegis!
If you’re still looking for a guild than Caesars Ultimate Legion might be what you’re looking for. Were a newly formed guild on Stormrage and are currently in the process of building up out raid team for the Eternal Palace Raid. We are a late-night raiding guild that will run on weekends. Our raid times will be from 12am to 3am EST on Friday and Saturday. We are a guild that it willing to help you learn and grow your skill within the raiding scene of World of Warcraft. Our raid team is compromised of many friendly people willing to lend a hand in helping you gear up or any other activity. While raiding will be our main focus we will also be pushing Mythic keys each week and run some rated PvP.

Hey Aegis would love to chat hit me at Cran#1145 we raid tuesday 7-9CST and friday 830-1130 CST. Weve been raiding together since BC and I can give more info if you want. We refer to ourselves as semi hardcore and we have a tank spot open! Tuesday is more of our casual day so if you cannot make it that is alright.

hey look out for an add from snarfed on btag. id love to chat

Sunset Riders is a newly formed guild of friends and compatriots. Raiding 2 nights a week, we are a casual no drama guild! So far, we have achieved 7/9 heroic in Battle of Dazar’alor, and are 2/2 Normal, and 1/2 Heroic in Crucible of Storms. Currently 6/8 normal palace then moving into heroic progression.

We also run mythic pluses, and generally have fun with each other. We raid on Wednesday and Friday from 7 pm to 9:30 pm server time.

We are also starting up an alt-run Normal raid on Saturday nights as well, to gear up our alts, and evaluate potential recruits. We are on Moonguard. Currently, we are mainly seeking reliable DPS (Warlock / Shadow Priest) for progression. Item level of 390+, with knowledge of fight mechanics and a desire to learn and push content. Other classes will be considered of course, as well as skilled players with a lower item level. We strive for a mature, stress free raiding experience.

Contact laskaland#1404 at BNET if interested.

Hey Aegis,

Im not sure if you are still looking but I sent you a friend request on bnet. We are a weekend raiding guild that raids on Saturdays and Sundays starting at 7pm Central. We also do lots of m+ runs during off nights. We are looking for a tank to join us for Eternal Palace and m+ fun. We are 6/8H EP and we were 7/9M BoD. If you are interested, you can contact me on Bnet - Cethin#11676 or on Discord - Cethin#8340.