4/10M SoD ilvl 247 Warlock Looking for Raid Team

I am a ilvl 247 Warlock that is currently 4/10M SoD proficent in all three specs. I also have a ~245 ilvl Fire Mage alt.

About Me
I’ve raided seriously since Vanilla all the way through Mythic Argus. I had to take off most of BFA due to IRL reasons and came back for wanting to keep raiding in Shadowlands. Thought I would be happy in a more relaxed environment but I find myself falling into old ways of wanting to push harder and further in a more serious manor.

Currently I’m Alliance but looking to switch to Horde as the raiding and M+ scene just seem to be flat out better in all regards. I have logs/raider.io as needed, though due to slow kill times and stop dps calls as well lack of PI’s parses are certainly on the low side. I also tend to get relegated to doing mechanics such as the soak on The Nine as nobody will do them otherwise.

I can be reached on Discord at Araya#9555 or B.net RainbowDash#1867

Hello Obscuralune

[US][A] [Interstellar Overdrive] is always interested in potential raiders for either our Mythic or Heroic team! We are semi-hardcore and achieved 6/10 M CN last tier. We reached AOTC recently and have already pushed to 3/10 M SOD since then!

Interstellar Overdrive

  • Semi-Hardcore : AOTC — 4/10 M SOD
  • Connected Servers : Draenor/Echo Isles
  • Raid Nights : Tuesday/Thursday (Saturday - Optional)
  • Raid Times : 9pm-12am EST
  • For the Alliance!

Feel free to give our guild recruitment page a quick lookover to see if we would be a good fit for you!

Contact me either on Battle Net or Discord!
Battle Net : Paracyte#11293
Discord : Eccosan#2489

Best of Luck!

Have you ever considered - 1 Night - Mythic Raiding!

OUR GUILD: Envelop
OUR TEAM: Free Repairs
WE ARE: Horde
WE’RE ON: US - Illidan


from 7 to 11pm CT

PROGRESSION: (At the time of this post)

5/10 M (Painsmith @ 36% ~99 pulls)

Anyone who can play their class to the best of their abilities.


  • Warlock
  • Priest
  • Shaman
  • Monk
  • Druid
  • Hunter


  • Priest (Holy or Disc)
  • Holy Paladin

We are open to other classes/specs given the right performance.


The Free Repairs team in Envelop was formed at the start of Shadowlands with only one goal – clearing as much content as possible, all in one night. Because of our one night schedule, we appeal to many diverse individuals. Whether it’s your job or your spouse that won’t allow a multi-night raiding schedule anymore, we’ve got you covered.

All players who apply should understand, just as many other mythic teams - we have a roster of more than 20 raiders. This implies that you may not be brought to each and every pull on progression. We will always bring the best available composition/players so we can have the highest chance of success.



We are currently looking for strong dps and off spec heals for certain fights in Mythic SoD. As of now we are 3/10 bosses down and very close to number 4. Our raid days are on Tues from 7 to 10 est and on Thurs from 7 to 10 est. Please feel free to contact me or any member of the guild if interested. All we ask is a firm grasp at understanding your class.

We also would like to have more people join that enjoy Mythic plus as well and look to push keys. Quite of a few of our members are currently over 2200 io and looking to get higher.

Casual players are also welcome anytime!

One more Pull is a guild formed at the start of BFA and still going strong. The mood of the guild is very chill as we love to joke and have fun but know when to buckle down. We would love to have the guild grow with new members and join us as we push into becoming a CE guild.

Feel free to contact me anytime on discord or add me on Bnet

Hey Obscur,

–| Rain | – is a newly formed guild devoted to creating a fun, engaging, raid atmosphere that focuses on progression and player improvement. We are led by Cutting Edge (CE) experienced raiders who are dedicated to our raiders. We value your time and will always work hard to make sure it’s well spent raiding with us. If you are interested in helping us grow, please apply below. Here are a few things we feel sets us apart from other guilds.

Your loot is yours! We will NEVER ask you to give up your hard earned loot.
Multiple Raider Ranks. The longer you raid with us the higher your raider rank and privileges grow. (You can find more info on Guild Ranks bellow)
Open Officer Meetings. You won’t see our officers running into a private channel after the raid! We discuss player performance, fight strategy, and guild direction openly. We are a team!
Community Representative (CR). All guild members may vote bi-weekly for their representative. The guild member with the most votes is rewarded the rank of CR which has all Officer privileges and will be the guild’s voice during Officer Meetings.
A Gaming Community not just a WoW Guild. We play a handful of other games like Final Fantasy XIV, MineCraft, Pokemon Unite, and much more! We believe a guild that games together stays together!
Our goal is to complete 10/10 Heroic Sanctum of Domination each week until we grow a roster strong enough to tackle Mythic. If you are interested in helping strengthen our roster please apply below. We have core spots and officer positions available!

Current progress is 9/10 Heroic 1/10 Mythic. Core Raid times are Tuesday - Wednesday 9-11:30PM EST with an optional raid voted each week by the Guild (has been Saturday evening)

Contact us on Discord - Bwill#0463

Hey there Obscuralune! I would really like to speak with you. We are currently working on killing Painsmith but you sound like a great fit for our group! Our main raid days are Wed/Thurs from 7pm EST to 11pm EST :slight_smile: Hope to hear from you soon!

Why pick Spicy AF?

In Spicy AF we balance solid Mythic raiding progression with everyone’s needs for career and family. But more than that, we’re a community that is a family as well, where anyone can become friends and get to know each other. We recruit based on both performance AND personality, to create a fun, friendly, relaxed environment. Outside of scheduled raid times, the guild is very active in mythic + with several members that are pushing for higher IO scores. We also will set up occasional heroic/mythic runs to gear alts or run achievements.

Raid Times

Wednesday & Thursday (Evenings)
7:00PM - 11:00PM EST—Eastern
6:00PM - 10:00PM CST Central (Sargeras SERVER TIME)

5/10M SOD

Contact Information:

Kuainn#8413 (Discord)
Kuainn#1663 (BNet)

Hey! [A] Aspire - Stormrage is a previous CE guild that just entered Mythic SoD last week after reforming with the announcement of 9.1.5. We have a lot of players that are always on running keys and messing around in discord and gchat. We are already 3/10 M with sub 30% pulls on Remnant with only 1 hour of progression. We are in need of an exceptional players for our raid team to really flesh out our roster. Our raid times are:

Sunday/Monday 9:30pm-12:30am EST
Re-clear Tuesday 9:30pm-12:30pm EST

If you are interested and would be willing to transfer please reach out to me on discord.


Hey I think you would be a perfect fit for our raid team! Here is some info on us and I’ve reached out via discord!

The Hurricane. We are a guild and community that has lasted since Vanilla. Through server transfers and life changes for many, our WoW guild and discord server are active with members old and new.

Raiding just two nights a week with multiple recent Cutting Edge achievements (8/8 BoD, 12/12 Nya), we strive to attain CE while being flexible. Our mission is to aim for excellence while making best use of our limited raiding hours.

We are currently recruiting for 9.1! We are looking for:

2-3 DPS (Warlock, Hunter, Rogue, Boomkin, Spriest, Warrior)
Any Exceptional Players feel free to apply!

We raid twice a week at the following times: Tues/Fri 8:30-12am EST (5:30-9pm PST)

21+ year old applicants only.

We communicate everything through Discord.

feel free to reach out via discord to SamSamSam#4315 or Btag Sam#11390! Thank You!

Hey there! We’re currently in the market for another warlock, so if late night times (starting at 10pm PST) work for you, our post linked below as a bit about us and my contact info. Hoping to hear from you :slight_smile:

Good evening Obscuralune,

We are looking to add some pumpers to our Mythic Raid team.

We are 10/10 H and 3/10 M with remnant down to 9%. We also raid Tuesday and Wednesday 8-11 EST.
Add slegEr#1552 for more information.


Hello Obscuralune,

Would be interested in chatting if you are still looking.

About Us:
Premonition (9/10M CN, Cutting Edge HFC+EN+NH+Ant+Uldir+BoD+TEP+Nya) is a Horde guild on US-Magtheridon. Our raid team has been together since MoP and we pride ourselves in maintaining a stable home for players. We are looking to bolster our roster with players who are interested in progressing Mythic content. While we maintain a laid-back, non-elitist environment, we are in no means casual – our goal every tier is to push CE. We have streams available for anyone who is interested in checking out our raid environment. Outside of raid, we have an active player base looking to complete M+’s every day to farm gear/io. We also play games outside of WoW and have an active Discord.

Raid Times:
Tuesday: 9 PM – 12 AM EST
Wednesday: 9 PM – 12 AM EST
Thursday: 9 PM – 12 AM EST

Extensive knowledge of your class
Non-toxic/elitist attitude
Consistent attendance (90%+)
Ability to communicate (have a working mic)
Bring dps/health pots (we provide flasks, food buffs, and vantus runes)
Desire to be competitive

Feel free to apply at https://bit.ly/2mq18ln

Btag - Ludacris#1776, or Limeyman#1556; Contact us in-game with any questions and to start the painless application process.

Hi Obscuralune!

(formerly Sunken Ship) is looking for a warlock to join our mythic team. We are aiming for cutting edge, but also pride ourselves on our community! LGBTQ+ friendly. Please reach out if you’re interested!

Sanctum of Domination (5/10M / 10/10H)
Castle Nathria (8/10M / 10/10H)


Tuesday & Wednesday
6 to 9PM PST (8 to 11PM central)

Sundays (optional heroic/alt raid)
6 to 9PM PST (8 to 11PM central)


BNet: GoldWaffle#1397 / Discord: Gold Waffle#0001

Reading your post! We have a spot open on your team you would be fantastic for, Locking in another Range DPS (Mage or Lock)! Looking to give a home to players long term. We’re not a CE guild atm but this tier is to push the dial and lock it in if not this tier, next. We’re a mature atmosphere with most people 25+/30+ that has clear leadership and raid organization that is interested in players looking to improve/ do raid prep. Each week (M+ Keys), Covenant, Class research, are personal responsibility BUT we help with everything as a guild. Would love to get you in discord a chat more, I have sent a request already!

On top of that along with myself we have 20 players that push high keys all had KSM + (s1) about 18 of us have it (s2) now and the rest will being getting it organically the next week or two PLUS KSM ALTs. We’ll be pushing 18-20s in guild without any heavy lifting moving forward. If interested too we have a partnership with another guild to sell key runs 10+ and 15+ you can sign up for for extra gold.

Guild & Server
Brigadier of Hell [H] Kil’jaeden

Current Progression
10/10H & 3/10M SOD (14% on Rem / Killing tomorrow)

Raid Times/Days
Wed/Thursday 6-9pm PST
We run an optional raid on Tuesday 4-7pm PST (ALT / Farming bosses for specific gear)


A casual (Semi-Hard Core) approach to Mythic as we all really enjoy playing together in and out of raid, we utilize organization and clear raid leading to maximize our two day raid schedule.
Non-Toxic and inclusive nature. When we mean Non-Toxic we activity work to foster a guild community in and out of raid.

Looking for players that want a “Home” for Raid, M+, Achievement Runs, Dailies, and Alt Action all the while able to focus up when it’s boss killing time!

Let’s get in Discord
I have already sent a discord request
Discord: Oro#6621


We are currently 5/10 Mythic in Sanctum and only raid 2 nights a week

Current Needs

SPriest/Disc or holy off spec (high priority)
Resto Shaman
Fury Warrior

All DPS will be strongly considered as we are a performance based guild.

Raid Times are as follows:
Sunday 9:00 PM - Midnight EST
Monday 9:00 PM - Midnight EST

What will be expected of you:

Discord is required, not just for listening purposes but to also communicate with the raid.

Attendance is a must, we understand that real life comes first and are more than happy to make necessary adjustments but a heads up is always appreciated.

Preparedness is another must; we always show up with pots, flask, and food buffs. Most nights Cauldrons and Feasts will be provided, but having the backups just in case is required.

Performance is a no brainer. Although mechanics are important maintaining high DPS and or Healing is extremely important.

Please feel free to add the following Officers to Real ID if you are interested:
Notfalling#1204/Discord – Notfalling#1940
MeatyRhombus#1474/Discord – Kinkii#2781
Ecnahc#1287/Discord – Ecnahcz#9029

We only have 2 nights worth of raiding, although we do Mythic+'s throughout the week as well off night Heroic runs once progressing in mythic(when attendance permits on Wednesdays), we expect the best out of our players especially Sunday and Monday. If this seems to be a good fit for you, do not hesitate to reach out to the Officers with any questions. Thank You

Name: The Chub Club
Realm: Thrall
Progression: 10/10H 4/10M 25% on SoulRender
Schedule: Sunday/Monday 8:30PM-11:30PM CST
History: Former CE, Former US-100 Leads/Raiders
Goal: Build a casual 2 Day - Aotc 100% anything is a bonus.
About We are a community guild now that is just looking to have fun and kill bosses while helping people get better at the game. We have alot of good raiders that leave the egos at the door.
Perks: Off Night Raids, lots of KSMs, PvP, streamer support

Holy/Ret Pally(High)
Disc/Holy Priest(High)
Open to All Dps if they can keep up!

Any Geared, Heroic ready DPS or Healers

*To Join, Send me a Discord DM MiniSoda#4635 Bnet - MiniSoda#11866

SoD progress: 5/10M 10/10H
CN progress: 8/10M, 10/10H

Raid Times: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 7-10 CST (8-11 EST)
Contacts: Divineblarg (Discord: Mint#3740 // btag: prizma#11192)
Noxusrogue: Discord: Noxus#9195

Blarg Squad is on Illidan and looking to enjoy mythic progression, with players who come prepared to execute and have a good time. We are looking for teammates, people who want to be part of a thriving and active team that builds relationships together - not a show up for a raid-logging environment. Guild Leadership has raid experience from Vanilla through current, including past server firsts, with the goal to achieve CE in a timely manner.

Play the class you enjoy and the spec you enjoy. We expect you will put in the time to complete content, mythic plus, and weekly requirements for your SL Covenant. For raid, put in the effort to know the fights and mechanics and own up to your errors and work on them. It’s progression for a reason after all. Understand as well, our RL will put the best in for progression, period.

The guild provides cauldrons and feasts at raids, however, we expect you to bring health and mana pots, dps pots, oils, your extra flask if you are not alchemy, and armor kits.

RaiderIO: https://raider.io/guilds/us/illidan/Blarg%20Squad
LOGS: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/guild/us/illidan/blarg%20Squad
Wowprogress: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/illidan/Blarg+Squad

Hey there! I totally relate about wanting to chill in Shadowlands but ending up back in Mythic raiding haha.

Check us out! Currently 3/10M but a 3% Soulrender wipe.

If you haven’t found a home yet Free Taco Mafia is really looking for some solid gamers for prog.


Tuesday night 6:15pm
Thursday night 6:15 pm

5/10 M guild

weekly heroic clears for alts

Hello there!

< Soup or Guild > is a 5/10M Horde Guild on Area-52 recruiting more players looking to progress to Cutting Edge.

Currently working on Soulrender, with multiple 20%~ attempts.

Raid Times:
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9pm-12am EST.

Current recruiting:

  • Any exceptional Ranged DPS (Particularly Hunters or Boomkin)
  • Discipline Priest, Holy Paladin or Resto Shaman

Guild History:
Castle Nathria: 6/10 Mythic

Contact Us:
zak#4618 on Discord
Lunareste#2081 on Discord

Hey Obscuralune,

We are currently 5/10 Mythic in Sanctum and only raid 2 nights a week

Current Needs

SPriest/Disc or holy off spec (high priority)
Resto Shaman
Fury Warrior

All DPS will be strongly considered as we are a performance based guild.

Raid Times are as follows:
Sunday 9:00 PM - Midnight EST
Monday 9:00 PM - Midnight EST

What will be expected of you:

Discord is required, not just for listening purposes but to also communicate with the raid.

Attendance is a must, we understand that real life comes first and are more than happy to make necessary adjustments but a heads up is always appreciated.

Preparedness is another must; we always show up with pots, flask, and food buffs. Most nights Cauldrons and Feasts will be provided, but having the backups just in case is required.

Performance is a no brainer. Although mechanics are important maintaining high DPS and or Healing is extremely important.

Please feel free to add the following Officers to Real ID if you are interested:
Notfalling#1204/Discord – Notfalling#1940
MeatyRhombus#1474/Discord – Kinkii#2781
Ecnahc#1287/Discord – Ecnahcz#9029

We only have 2 nights worth of raiding, although we do Mythic+'s throughout the week as well off night Heroic runs once progressing in mythic(when attendance permits on Wednesdays), we expect the best out of our players especially Sunday and Monday. If this seems to be a good fit for you, do not hesitate to reach out to the Officers with any questions. Thank You