4/10m Boomkin lf home

Hi, Partypurge, I see you are looking for a home. I sent you a friend request on Discord as well, unfortunately I do not currently have a home for your warrior friend - but we all know how that changes.

~Flagged for Rename~ from Area-52 is an adult guild focused on pushing for CE each tier. We are currently 3/10M & 10/10H SoD we raid Tues & Wed from 9-12PM EST. I’d love to chat more, add me on Discord Ojntoast#1029 (Preferred) or Bnet Ojntoast#1442.

Including our recruitment post so you can get a better idea of who we are. [H] 9/10M - T/W - CE-focused drama-free guild - LF brew, melee, boomkin, mage - #110 by Ojntoast-area-52