410 heals LF mythic team

Hi there. I’m a MW that has multiple but not every CE in the last few xpacs. My last CE was N’Zoth. I’m looking for a new 2-3 night raid team to push for that and similar stuff.

I helped found a new CE pushing guild at DF launch, sadly, we died to the recruiting/attendance boss. We got 2/8M. So, I’m now a free agent! I’m looking for a team that raids 6-8 hrs a week, has a solid community vibe, and loves getting mythic bosses down.

Hey Small Indie Company [H] on Bleeding Hollow Server is recruiting and could be a great place for you. We are currently AOTC 1/8M and looking to add a few to our Mythic Roster for Progression. Currently we raid Tue/Wed 8:30-11:30 est and have an Alt Raid/Guild Event on Saturday nights. We also run a lot of M+ on off nights.

Currently looking to add a healer for Progression. Ide love to chat more if you have time. Send me a message on Discord or bnet if interested in learning more.

Discord: Avatan#9606
Bnet: Avatan#1364

Hey there Entrepy, I’d love to chat more with you about what our team/guild has to offer. Feel free to reach out! Thanks!

< Eternal Kingdom > [A/H] Proudmoore - US
Newly Launched Team Paradigm
Mythic Progression – 3 days / 9 hrs per week | Goal: Cutting Edge
Cross-Faction Raiding Team
Schedule: Tues/Wed/Thurs 5PM – 8PM PST (8PM – 11PM EST)
Recruitment open for Healer, Lock, Mage, WW Monk.

Eternal Kingdom is a large World of Warcraft multi-guild community that was formed in 2013 with a very clear goal: Make the world a better place! In addition to many weekly events, EK has multiple raid teams. We are newly launched Team Paradigm! We are a group of experienced players that are creating a new paradigm & are recruiting others who are interested in fun banter, camaraderie, memes, progression, lootz, & penguins. Please check out our Team Page for more info or submit an application if interested.

Recruitment Contacts: Team Lead - Athiee
Discord: Athiee#7231 | Btag: Athiee#1576
Raid Lead - Holybirb
Discord: A_birb#0001 | Btag: Fizzy#12886

Team Page: eternal-kingdom. com /paradigm
Application: eternal-kingdom. com /apply-form/?team=pardigm

8/8H 3/8M raid times 830pm est to 12am add my btag if you would like to chat fleet#1643

Hello, We are Stop DPS on Area 52 and are 3/8M and raid Mon-Tues 7-10est. we have active m+ groups and some pvp. goal is CE. let me know if this interests you.

Discord- Olysian#5213

Hi! I’m the recruiting officer for Valos Cor, a horde casual Mythic raiding guild on Bleeding Hollow. We’re AotC, 2/8M, raid twice/week, Tues and Thurs, from 8:30-11:30 pm (eastern time). We need a healer. Ideally a monk or paladin (classes we are light on) and a dps who can flex to heals when needed. Core spots, and while we do rotate a little the nice part of being a long-running low-drama group is everyone’s reliable and we don’t need lots of subs.

Our roster is mostly together for DF but we are looking for one more healer willing to occasionally flex to dps, ideally a paladin or priest but we have some flexibility. Reliability and good jokes are at least as big a deal as class fit. Like I mentioned earlier, we’re a stable, long-running group without a lot of turnover or drama so our recruiting needs tend to be pretty modest (which is nice, as it means I don’t have to do a lot). Folks who appreciate that sort of low-key, joking during farming and serious during progression environment are, um, appreciated.

Feel free to reach out to me (Wrathblood#1742 on bnet or Wrath#3004 on Discord) or Novasolan (our RL, Novasolan#9219 on Discord). We’d love to chat about what you’re looking for in a guild. Thanks!

Jump Off - Zul’jin Horde
AotC, 2/8 M Vault

Raid times are Wed/Sun 8 pm EST-11pm EST. (Just incase Wednesday works.)
Intend to finish tier at least 6/8M and push further next tier. If you are interested hit me up on bnet (Lissona#1463) or Discord (Lissona#8717).

Hi Entrepy,

My guild is currently 3/8M. Hit us up if you want to chat more.

Hey there, give us a look

H-Mal’Ganis- Imperfect 1/8M 8/8H LF Core Raiders for Mythic Tues-Weds

Imperfect is a brand new guild formed by CE players coming back together, and is now looking for players to fill out our core roster for Mythic Prog! We raid Tuesday & Wednesday 9pm - 12am EST. We will NOT extend past those times. We value our time and want to make good use of the 6 hours a week of raid. Please reach out to Drez#11420 (Bnet)/ Drez#3273 (Discord) with any questions or interest.

Recruitment needs:



Ret Pal


Ele Sham

Enhance Sham


