410 Rogue LF 2-3 day Mythic Guild

Hey All,

Came back to the game recently and have been playing around with some old friends. Looking to get back into more serious raiding and aim to be Cutting Edge.

I come to raids prepared for the content with consumables and will look up guides/strategies before hand with what is available. Have been playing my Outlaw rogue since coming back and is my much preferred class. I have in the past raided on different classes/roles and is a consideration though would require gearing/leveling depending. Currently 3/9M

If you’d like to know more you add me on battlenet at Khobahi#1403 or discord at Khobahi#3046.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

BROTHER on Tichondrius is currently looking for dps to add to our roster. We are 4/9M and raid Wed/Mon from 2:30-5:30pm PST. If we sound like a good fit for you feel free to contact me on btag beccs89#1122

Short version: Mythic Guild LFM Raiders

GM/Raid Lead: Xantoniel#1517 on Bnet or Xantoniel#1979 on Discord

Hey Downed! Would love to chat about an opportunity at a core roster spot!

< Quantum > [H] is a new-ish AOTC guild who is looking to push into CE territory on the Illidan server. We strive to hit AOTC each tier, and have done so within the first two weeks on a consistent basis. We have a solid core, and are looking to add a few key spots to hopefully start shooting for Cutting Edge beginning in 8.2! We are currently 1/9M and 2/2H.

RAID TIMES: We currently raid on Tuesday and Thursday nights, from 8:30PM - 11:30PM Server Time (CST).

RAID EXPECTATIONS: We expect you to come prepared to each raid night. This means having gems and enchants, any personal consumables you may need, and most importantly, knowing the mechanics for each encounter. Raiding only two nights a week, we like everyone to know the encounter so we can limit constant explanations between pulls.

ATMOSPHERE OUTSIDE OF RAID: Very laid back group of guys and gals. A lot of us are college kids, so at times we do have outside commitments for classes and exams. Another handful of us are mid 20’s-30’s working adults. Off nights you can find us running / selling M+, alt raids or even the guild PVP session. We all have a great sense of humor and love chatting and memeing in Discord.

Needs: We are looking to round out our core progression roster. We have a solid core of 15-16 players, and would like to add a handful to help progress further in Mythic. Looking for an exceptional healer (rdruid, rsham) and a few great DPS; but all classes and players would be considered!

What you can expect: Flasks and food will be provided during progression raids. Repairs are also provided. Everyone will help ensure you get your M+10 done every week. Exceptional players may also run in our M+ carries for additional income. Expect to be welcomed into a fun yet focused environment! Bring extra gold for gambling between pulls :wink:

Logs are great, but not required. If any of this sounds interesting to you, let us know! We’d love to have you tag along for a run and see how the fit is. You can reply here, or message me on battle.net Ekoh#1469 or on Discord Kiche#5313.

Hi Downed!

Parasomnia on Area52 is recruiting competitive raiders committed to personal improvement, as well as contributing to a professional and collaborative team environment.

Raid times:
-Tues/Wed/Thurs 9:30pm-12:30am PST (12:30am-3:30am EST)

Team Goals:
-Mythic Progression with Cutting Edge as the goal.

  • Currently 8/8M 6/9M

About Parasomnia:
-Our team leads have CE experience from previous tiers/expansions, and we are looking to develop our team this expansion focusing on personal and raid progression, and most importantly team synergy built on the foundation of trust with like minded individuals.

Team Expectations:
-We expect all raiders to hold themselves to a high standard of Professionalism, Progression and Collaboration between team members.

-We expect each raid member to contribute to the greater well being of the team. This means coming to raid prepared each raid night with their specs fully optimized (simC/Raidbots/Pawn/Stat Weights) when it comes to gems, enchants, talents, consumables and are using the appropriate add-on/weakauras to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.

-We expect each team member to come prepared knowing the strategies for each boss before entering raid by taking a look at strat/kill videos/warcraftlogs replays.

-We expect all raiders to be able to take constructive criticism well so they can look into their own logs/wowanalyzer to improve their gameplay wherever it is needed.

-Wonka#1307 (Discord Wonka82#8402) - Recruitment
-Cmplex#1798 (Discord Cmplex#6174) - Team Leader

Hello pleae check us out,

Guild: Soulstice

**Progression: 8/9

Raid Times: T/TH 8-11 EST optional Sunday for Heroic (Alts)

Server: Illidan

We transferred to Illidan at the beginning of this tier. We were a CE guild in Antorus, and fell off in Uldir due to a dead server. We transferred to Illidan and have made progression to becoming a CE guild again.

About our guild:

-Focused on Progression (Raid Time is not goof off time)

-Skilled and Reliable players

-Social atmosphere

What we want out of our raiders:

-Reliability (We require two nights for 6 hours total, which is not a lot of time.)

-Ability to Communicate (Mic is necessary during raid times)

-Flexibility (You might not be in on every boss fight, You will see all bosses but raid progression takes priority)

-Knowledge (Study up on fights before we get to them, Know your class, and how to improve)

Recruitment Needs:

All Classes and specs will be given an opportunity.

High priority needed - Ele Shaman, S Priest, Boomkin, Disc Priest, R Druid

If you have any issues reach out to - Flopsided#1855, Kargath#1806, Guiness#1326 on Btag or Discord- Kalick#0520

Thanks for your time.

Ignores Mechanics is on Illidan as Horde! We are 9/9M and we raid T/W/TH 11pm - 2am CST

Discord: Zenine#5719
BTAG: Zenine#11353

Warfare is a newly formed guild on Turalyon horde!
This guild is formed of previous CE (or close to CE raiders)
Raid times are Tuesday-Thursday 9:30-12:30 est
If this sounds appealing to you feel free to add our recruitment officer on bnet! Vak#11366