408 Rogue LF Mythic Raiding Guild

Guild & Server: Malus Nexu :Horde: Malorne/Stormscale/Fireetree/Drak’tharon/Spirestone Server Cluster
Raid Times/Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:00pm-11:00pm EST
Current Progression: 5/9M BoD 8/8M CE Uldir

Former group of hardcore raiders with a core that has been together since the release of Burning Crusade.

We want to see and progress the toughest content blizzard has to offer all while maintaining a casual atmosphere. Please keep in mind during mythic progression, raids can become pretty heated (as it does with most guilds), therefore we want to make sure that keeping a level head and being open to constructive criticism isn’t going to be an issue. Most (but not all) discussions will be held outside of raids to keep progression moving.

With that being said we don’t like our time to be wasted, our players are expected to perform at a high level, be on time for raid invites (accepting invites on calendar), come prepared with an understanding of progression fights, and have consumables (Flask and food are provided by the guild we only ask that you contribute to the bank so the guild can maintain cost)

Outside of Raiding we have a very active player base both in and out of the game, some of the things we do on our off nights include -

Multiple Mythic + groups and carries.
Weekend and off-night normals/heroics and Alt runs of current tier raids
Raid Achievement runs
Overwatch, D3, PUBG
And many other games outside of Blizzard

If you are interested in joining our group contact Colecainee-Malorne(GM) Btag: Colecaine#1970 Or Stormyrainz#1865

Requirements: 390+ ilvl , 38 Neck, prior Mythic experience and CE Prog experience.
Needs: 1 Healer and DPS, preference pumpers (Ret pala/Spriest/Mage). Any exceptional players are welcome to apply.

Evolve is a horde guild on Area 52. The guild itself has been around for a while but took a break from raiding due to most of getting older and starting families etc. We’re back now and raiding at a much more relaxed pace and schedule. Tues/Weds. We are more than just a raid team. We consider ourselves a family and strive to keep a tight bond and friendships. We value personality and good attitudes just as much if not more than peoples self perceived skills at pushing buttons. Outside of raids we enjoy running keys together and have a few groups that LOVE to farm M+, we have people who RBG together, achievements, and we love to do non wow related things like cards against humanity and outside games together as well. We are currently 9/9H and 2/9M. We believe good progression doesn’t have to come at the expense of our real lives or by being jerks to one another. If we sound like a place for you we’d love to talk.

Here’s a link to our thread for more info.



HUGE need for a rogue, come check us out

< Range Five > [H] Zul’jin - 4/9 M 9/9H SoD is looking for exceptional raiders to continue our Mythic Progression!

< Range Five > provides a great raid atmosphere that values performance and teamwork so that we can have steady progression towards Cutting Edge. We are laid back during farm and trash, but are serious for progression.

Raid times:

Friday 8:30PM -12PM EST
Saturday 8:30PM - 12PM EST

Recruitment Needs:
These are listed in order of priority from high to low.
Tank: Lf non monk tank
Melee: Open (except Demonhunter)
Ranged. Open (except Hunter)
Healer: Paladin, Shaman, Priest (Disc), Monk

Regardless of whether or not your class is listed above we are always welcoming of exceptional players!

What we expect:

  • Reliability. We expect you to show up on time and be prepared for raid.
  • Commitment towards the guild and progression.
  • Understand that we want to down bosses and have fun doing it. There may be some friendly banter, but it is all good fun.

Contact Info:
Feel free to contact any of our officers below.

  • Cross#12398
  • Greywolfpup#1127

<Yikes> on Thrall is looking for a rogue. We’re 4/9M, and raid T/W/Th 8-11pm EST. Hmu if you’re interested. Caity#1510

We might be a decent fit for you, check out our spam below:

Fearfulways is recruiting players for mythic BoD progression. We have a long history of achieving #1 raiding status on our realm and are working to continue that success into BoD and beyond. We are looking for strong, reliable players to join our MAIN raiding roster (not a bench spot!)

Current schedule:
Tuesday 7:00-10 EST
Thursday 7:00-10 EST

Roster needs:
Healer (low): any
DPS (med) Ranged and melee dps, especially moonkin, shadow priest, demonhunter, rogue
Tank (low): any

Exceptional players of ANY role/class will be considered.

If you have any questions or would like to be considered to trial with us, leave your information in our Discord!

Alternatively, add one of our officers’ btags below:

We are <Affix> A semi-hardcore, mythic raiding guild for the Alliance on the US-Proudmoore server. We are newly formed by a handful of talented and experienced raiders with a common goal to consistently push for Cutting Edge. We are currently seeking individuals who have a drive to improve and are able to take constructive criticism and our goal is to have a roster of 23-26 players that we can rotate in and out of fights to fit our needs.

4/9M & 9/9H AOTC Battle of Dazar’alor
5/8M & 8/8H AOTC Uldir

-Raid Times-
Progression Nights: Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday 7pm-10pm PST (10pm-1am EST)
Alt/Normal Raids(Optional): Sunday or Monday 7pm-10pm PST (10pm-1am EST)

-Recruitment Needs-
(Listed in level of importance, DPS with healer offspec are a huge plus.)

  • Brewmaster / Prot Pally
  • Rogues
  • Shadow Priest
  • Warlock
  • Any other competent tank/healer/dps.

-How to Apply-
Contact FirstPiece#1823(Myself), coriand#1591(Raid Lead), or ryuukhang#1426(Guild Lead). You can also contact me via discord Chuntsy#0673 or in game through PM.

Forgotten Aspects 6/9M is a long standing stable guild (since classic Beta) on the Hyjal server (PST/Horde Dominated). We achieved Cutting Edge in every raid tier in Legion, as well as Uldir, and look to do the same in BFA. We are looking for solid dependable raiders who are self-motivated to improve and challenge themselves. Our raid times are Tues-Wed-Thurs from 6:30pm-10:30pm PST. If this sounds interesting to you please contact our raid leader Pollini on discord (RainbowPlatypus#0072) or bnet (Pollini#11856

6/9M we have a spot open for a solid rogue raid times T/W/T 8-11pm est add my Btag fleet#1643

Hi Adaso,

My name is Zugor and I am with Ascension-Eonar. We are currently 4/9, looking for a solid rogue for our roster. We raid Tuesday/Thursday 8-11pm (est). Light raid schedule, chill group. We’ve been together since 2008 and have various levels of raiding experience (several of us have raided on US top 100 guilds in the past), but are now taking a casual approach while having fun with friends.

Please contact me if your interested, Thanks! my btag is Zugor#1902

<Alliance Lives Matter> Connected Realms- Scilla, Zuluhed, Andorhal and Ursin%

Currently 8/9M, 9/9H BoD, 8/8M Uldir [ce] , 11/11M Antorus [cutting edge]. We are #1 Alliance on our server group.


Recruitment Needs for Mythic: (Transfer Required) 1 tank (no DH/bear/prot pal) , 1 priest or shaman, 1 ranged dps. 1 dps with strong tank off spec, prefer ww/bm. Potentially 1 stud melee player. Anyone talented regardless of class/spec will be considered. Do not be shy to apply even if you are not one of our high priority classes.

We also recruit normal and heroic only raiders for our normal and heroic raids. We have many awesome less hardcore players that join us for heroic and normal to learn from our mythic raiders. This is a very active and growing guild. Our raiders do not just log on to raid and than disappear.

Guild Goals: To full clear mythic BoD in a timely competitive fashion (US 250 Minimum) [COMPLETED; cut our US ranking in HALF] and all future mythic raid tiers going forward in a quick and competitive manner. We set our goals and then we do what it takes to meet them. We do meet our goals. Period. We started antorus 6 months late and burned our way through cutting edge Antorus. This IS a cutting edge raiding guild with structure and organization.

Raid Schedule
[Mythic] Thursday 8:30pm-10:30pm cst
[Mythic] Sat/Sun 3:30-7:30 pm central.
[Heroic] Tuesday is our heroic night for our mythic raiders/sales run 8:30 central to 11:00pm. This run is optional but highly recommended for gear sharing.
[Heroic] Wednesday- Open to our heroic team raiders, mythic raiders, and mythic raider alts. run 8:30 central to 11:00. This team full clears heroic easily as well.
[Normal] Friday open to anyone 8:30 central to 10:00.

We push people to get 1 heroic clear and 1 mythic 10 plus a week done. This is * required for our mythic raiders. As long as there is forging in the game people should be fishing for titanforges.

More about the guild: We do it all, we aren’t just raiders. We are extremely active guild, the most active on the server, and more active than most servers/guilds. Our people do not just log on for raids once or twice a week. Our average age range is 28-35. We enjoy PvP- arenas, rbgs, bgs, wpvp, Mythic+, achievements. We have a very laid back but like to get stuff done kind of atmosphere when it is not raid time. When it is raid time, we get focused and serious and competitive in a non toxic results oriented manner. Very active and supportive guild filled with awesome human beings. Our raiders are competitive players always striving to better themselves. Flasks and feasts and vantus runes are provided for all progression raiding. We constantly analyze logs and push for improvement. We do not settle for mediocrity in any of our members so by being a part of this guild you will become a better player and person. This is just a small taste of our guild. Please contact an officer to have any questions or concerns addressed.

If you’re interested in raiding with us or would just like to join the guild feel free to contact Nebulaphobia, our recruitment officer.

BTag: Ashe#1789

Discord: Ashie#6243

In Game: Nebulaphobia-Scilla

Despair is looking for DPS to round out our roster for Mythic progression.

Server: Thrall

Faction: Horde

Current Progression: 4/9M 9/9H

Raid Times:
Tuesday - 8:00pm EST - 11:00pm EST
Thursday - 8:00pm EST - 11:00pm EST
Sunday (Optional Heroic Clear) - 8:00pm EST - 11:00pm EST

About Us:
Our Guild formed back in 2007, we took a break but came back during Legion and hit the raiding scene hard! We enjoy doing Mythic+, Random BG’s, Arena’s, and RBG’s, if that’s something you’re into. Our guild ended 6/8M last tier.

Feast and Flask will normally be provided but we’d advise you bring your own as well.

Required Addons: Weak Auras, DBM/BigWigs, Angry Assignments

Add me for more information, or to talk about joining: FunkyHoggy#1601

Still looking

Administrators is definitely interested in your services! Read the link below let me know if you’re interested!

<Disturbed> - Zul’jin - 3 nights/week - Semi-Hardcore
Progression: Mythic (7/9) Heroic (9/9)

Disturbed is a Semi-Hardcore Guild. We finished 330 in US and 15 on the server in Legion. We are an active guild who runs a ton of mythic plus throughout the week and weekend. Looking to fill a couple spots on the roster that have opened up.

Raid Schedule:
Wednesday - 8:00 PM EST - 11:00 PM EST
Thursday - 8:00 PM EST - 11:00 PM EST
Monday - 8:00 PM EST - 11:00 PM EST
Optional Raid Day (Heroic Clear) - Tuesday 8:00 PM EST
Holidays will be rescheduled.

Server Information:
Chicago Datacenter
Eastern Realm Time

In-game contacts:
Potty (Nuttie#1266)

Hey Adaso!

JOGK on Thrall is 2/9M, currently recruiting DPS. I’d love to chat. You can contact me using the info below. We’re a guild that’s part of a larger general gaming community that has many active an social members for just about anything you’re looking for. Here’s a little more info about us:

Raid Days/Times: Tu/Sun 8:30-11:30 EST (6 hours)
Current Progression: 9/9H, 2/9M
Recruitment Contacts: Zambistical#6438 (discord) / Zambistical#11130 (btag)
Application: (use chrome or the guilded app) //http://www.guilded.gg/r/AdARm90emR?i=v4D6MOqm
WoWProgress: //https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/thrall/JOKG
Warcraftlogs: //https://www.warcraftlogs.com/guild/us/thrall/jokg

Thanks for your time,

KRISP is a semi-hardcore mythic raiding guild on Zul’jin-US comprised of highly skilled, laid back raiders. We offer a social environment which doesn’t end when the raid does. We are mostly Adults or young professionals (23+) and are usually always on discord in the evenings, whether it be organizing alt runs, competing for mythic+ times, messing around with PvP, or playing various other games together.


Uldir - 8/9M
BoD - 4/9M

We raid evenings, 3 days a week.
**Tues/Wed/Thu 9:00pm-11:30pm EST .

Immediate Needs:
Exceptional DPS! (Priority but not limited to; Boomkin; Shadow Priest; BM Hunter; Ele Shaman)
Any and All Exceptional Players are encouraged to apply!

Not recruiting your spec? Apply anyway! We strongly encourage exceptional applicants outside of our direct needs to chat with us!

Recruitment Needs / What We Want From You:

Ranged DPS - As ranged DPS we expect you to successfully and confidently maintain high numbers and optimizing your specialization in every encounter. You’re analyzed not just on your damage, but your survivability and adaptability during any given encounter. Anyone can press their buttons in a relaxed setting. We want you to be able to handle your business while being prepared and capable of adjusting on the fly should things not go according to plan, without your damage being severely hindered.

Melee DPS - We are looking for confident and self-aware players who are able to push their role and damage to the limit without getting stuck in the notorious ‘tunnel’. Much like ranged, you are analyzed not just on your damage, but your survivability and adaptability during any given encounter. Things can change quickly for melee and even more so than ranged, at a costly price. You’re expected to adapt quickly while surviving and maintaining your damage.

Healers - We are looking for players with a team oriented mentality, who are willing at any given point to sacrifice what is needed to get the job done. Whether it’s using your own raid CD during an unfavorable timing, being assigned to a less prestigious role, or sitting on any given fight because your class isn’t the strongest. We want our healing core to be strong and work together.
If you do not see yourself as a team player or struggle in this criteria, do not apply!

Tanks - As a tank you are a very integral part of the raid. Outside of being able to play your class at the absolute pinnacle of it’s potential, you are needed to be vocal and communicative with your counterpart. Tank synergy is very crucial at a high level and something we take very seriously. Some boss fights require the tanks to control the tempo and pace of the movement throughout any given fight. At times you may be called upon to take up the driving role and get us moving in the right direction at the right time.
If you struggle with this communication style, tempo, and assertiveness, or do not play well with others, do not apply!

We are currently around a 25 person roster and are aiming to stay around this number.

We use a loot council system to fairly distribute loot among our raid members. Drama over loot is and will NEVER be tolerated.

Everyone in the guild plays to win and we want to continue to promote a highly team oriented mentality. Our goals during progression will always be to do whatever it takes to give us the best chance of winning against the next boss(es).

What We Expect:

  • You have done what you can to min/max your character.
  • You are confident in your abilities to play your class at a high level, including all applicable specs.
  • You can both give and take constructive criticism in a mature and respectful manner.
  • You can adapt to encounter mechanics with little negative effect on your dps/healing/etc.
  • You are searching for a long term guild to progress into future tiers with.
  • You can handle a very loose and ‘open’ guild atmosphere.

Contacts (Bnet / Discord):
GM Totemburst ( Chipsandcoke#1804 )
Officer Elad -Eladarmri#1632

<Everything is Fine> (Whisperwind-Alliance) is a 2 night raiding guild comprised of competitive yet passionate raiders. If you are looking for a guild that is tight-knit, supportive, yet competitive and skilled on a light schedule, we believe <EiF> might be the place for you.

Raid Times:
Tuesday: 8:00-11:30 PM EST
Wednesday: 8:00-11:30 PM EST
Monday/Friday (optional): 8:00 PM EST

Nighthold: 10/10M CE
Tomb of Sargeras: 8/9M
Antorus the Burning Throne: 11/11M CE
Uldir: 8/8M CE
BoD: 6/9m with 17% pull on mekka
High Priority: Ranged dps, as well as all outstanding players.
Application: www.guilded.gg/#!AdNRgNB7jd

OR /who on US-Whisperwind and ask for recruitment officers

Hey man check is out.

Meters Over Everything are newly formed guild looking to recruit the following classes and roles; Raid times are 8:30-1130PM EST Tueday/Friday.

Shadow Priest
Ret Paladin
Boomkin, Resto Druid
Shaman Dps/Resto Shaman
Mage Any specs
Demon Hunter
Monk Any

If you have strong situational awareness, know your class , and enjoy raiding in a friendly environment, then we might be the place for you! Feel free to contact Dojawar (djcipher#1336), Charlie (Charlie#13641 or Discord Snap#6504).

About us:
Meters over Everything started with a group of IRL friends looking to extend our group through WoW. MOE guild members treat each other with respect, and in doing so, earn it. Starting from the raid leader down to casual members, you can expect a respectful, fun, and collected demeanor environment at all times. If you are the type of person to link meters and rage at your team members during progression, M+, or any other then this guild is NOT for you. If you thrive with a bit of constructive criticism and understand that raiding takes a whole team, not just one elite team member, then we want YOU. We are very lenient with attendance, if you can show up to raid great if you can’t, that’s fine. At the end of the day this is just a game and we just want to have fun. If you decide you want to raid, we expect you to come prepare with consumables, boss encounter knowledge, etc. If we feel you’re not putting in enough effort, officers, raiders, anyone will be benched. We want to have fun but at the same time keep the competitive edge with us at all times, no one will be getting carried through current progression.

Current Guild progression with new roster began 2/7/19, currently have completed 1/9M 8/9H 9/9N. We will be looking to clear this tier on heroic and aim to down some bosses in Mythic difficulty before next tier release.

During none raiding nights, we do M+ keys, islands, alt runs, our members will be more than happy to help out with gearing. We also welcome anyone who would like to join as a casual and participate in M+, islands, alt runs.

If this sounds like the type of environment you would like to be part of add us and send us a message.

Karma Horde on Stormreaver is recruiting ranged and melee dps for mythic raiding.

Current Progression: 3/9M 9/9H BoD (6/8M Uldir)
Opulence to 18% last night.

Raid Times: Tuesday/Wednesday 7:30-10:30PM Central/Server Time (Optional Sunday Heroic: 8:00pm-10:30pm Central)

Next steps:
Complete and submit an application (Phrasing Raid Team) - https://goo.gl/forms/6Gw6gtMObJPAXwh63
Join the guild’s Discord server: discord.gg/3Pb3QXs
For more information contact: Gingersnap#6581 (discord) or Gingersnapmd#1295 (battle.net)

Impatient is a new Horde weekday Mythic semi-hardcore progression guild on the server US-Thrall.

Progression 6/9M 9/9H AOTC BOD
28% on Mekka in one night!

Raid Times:

Tuesday | 8:00PM – 11:00 EST
Wednesday | 8:00PM – 11:00 EST
Thursday | 8:00PM – 11:00 EST

We are currently interested in you joining us in achieving cutting edge!
Contact Notdeadyet, Zech, or Pandarrow for more info!

Thank you!