407 Ele Shaman Looking for Guild! The Scryers - Argent Dawn - Willing to realm change :)

Hey Sulfer!

I’m the GM for Safe Word on Kilrogg/Winterhoof, and I would LOVE to get an elemental shaman on our team!

A little about us:

  • Tues / Thurs raid - 7pm-10pm PST (10pm-1am EST)
  • Mythic+ runs all the time
  • Small, tight knit group - (less than 30 people, so we’re active, but you wouldn’t be lost in a sea of random people)
  • Cross-game events

Here’s my long post for our full information: Delete please

We’re starting with Heroic CoS tonight, so if you’re around, let me know and we’ll get you in :slight_smile:

Bnet: Fried#11205
Discord: Fried#5654