405 MM Hunter

<Shroud> Illidan US – Horde LF exceptional players that are Mythic Experienced to push progression.

Current Progression: BFA - 9/9H 1/9M BoD

Current needs:

Mage - High Priority
Warlock - High Priority
Shadow Priest - High Priority
Balance Druid - High Priority
Hunter - High Priority

Holy/Disc Priest - High Priority
Holy Paladin - High Priority

Protection Pally - High Priority
Brewmaster Monk - High Priority
Protection Warrior - High Priority

Raid Schedule:
8 pm - 11 pm CST (Illidan Server time) Tue, Wed and Thurs.

About Us:
We are a team of mature raiders who have fun while progressing but know when to knuckle down and get the job done. Shroud has been around since mid-wrath while our core group has been playing since vanilla - many CE, AotC achievements, realm first achievement players and so on play within our ranks. We offer many raider incentives and feel we reward our players well for their time. Likewise, Shroud offers alt raids, old content raids, and many social activities outside of raids inc scheduled Mythic+ days.

Applications are via the web and our guild discord in a live interview process. Should you wish any more info, feel free to add Kizzies (Kelty#3244) to Btag or see or our post on Wowprogress

Website: shroudguild (.net)


Hey Hosway, we could use some more solid range dps for our mythic roster! Gonna leave our guild post below for you to take a look at!

Not really sure what classifies as ‘better’ raid times, but maybe my group might be something! I am the raid leader of <Vox Nihil> on Zul’jin. We are 6/9M and we raid Tue/Wed from 8pm-12am EST. I would like to chat with you a bit when you have some time. I will provide my BattleTag below and a link to our recruitment post if you would like to know more.

BattleTag: Alazar#11360

Naudica Gaming is currently looking to recruit RDPS (hunters a plus!) and a healer for our mythic raid team (3/9M) as well as players of all skill levels for our various other PvE teams, including Heroic (8/9H) and Normal (9/9N) teams.

Our Mythic team will be striving for Cutting Edge this tier, while the other groups will be getting Ahead of the Curve. Star players among the other teams have the opportunity to move up to the Mythic progression team if they show the skill and interest required to do so. The guild is founded and run by experienced raiders with the intention of providing an enjoyable, competitive atmosphere for players who excel at progression raiding, while providing opportunities for more casual players to learn, grow, and enjoy themselves. Aside from raiding the majority of our members are Mythic Plus junkies, from farming +10s to pushing high keys. We welcome any M+ farming contenders to join our daily runs.

Members of our raid teams are expected to come to each raid prepared and ready to play to their full potential. This includes having researched the fights, bringing battle potions, flasks, food, and a positive, contributing attitude.

Raid Schedule:
G1: 3/9M 8/9H Thursday/Friday/Monday - 7:00-10:00 server time. (Mythic Progression)
G2: 9/9N Saturday/Sunday -6:30-9:30 server time.
G3: 5/9H Tuesday/Wednesday- 6:00-9:00 server time.
Our initial focus will be Mythic progression while maintaining healthy amount of weekly Normal and Heroic clears.

To chat more add plexx777#1691

Guild & Server: - Team 13 | Horde | Area-52 Raid Times/Days: Fri/Sat 12am-3am | Sun 11pm-2am Eastern. Current Progression: 8/8m Uldir pre-ners | 3/9m BDA Recruitment Contacts: Qt: Qts#1617 or disocrd !Qts<3#5978

NightHawks Is a casual semi-hardcore raiding guild that is recruiting however we accept all types of players. We are a fun tight nit group. Not a raider? We do mythic+, achievement/mount runs/mog, island expeditions, and much more!

Currently: 9/9N 6/9H 1/9M

Current Raid Times

9pm-12am EST:



We are currently recruiting for our Tues/Wend group.

Not a raider? We do mythic+, achievement/mount runs/mog, island expeditions, lvling and much more!

Btag Allymental#1368 or Discord allymental#1799

We are Stormchasers of Lothar (US)(ALLIANCE) and we are looking for excellent players to join our roster. We have a primary goal of getting Cutting Edge this tier and beyond and we are interested in players that are like-minded.

Currently Recruiting:
All exceptional players are considered

  • Mostly Ranged DPS

What we want from you:

  • We look for a good raid attendance for our core Mythic raid team. We get life happens. We’re all working people and some with families. We will work with you if you let us know beforehand.
  • Communication in and outside of the game; we want you active in discord as well
  • Adults / a good attitude - We want the team players who can take constructive criticism if it is given. We are only trying to help each other improve keep that in mind.
  • Players who put effort into their character and effort into knowing their class

Current progression:

9/9 Heroic BoD
2/9 Mythic BoD

Raid Days / Raid Times:
Our Mythic team raids on Tuesday / Thursday 8:00 pm EST to 11:00 pm EST

What we offer:

  • Full repairs for the Mythic team raiders
  • Feasts and flasks are provided at the start of and during raid
  • A home(guild) that will give back to you as much as you put into it and help you grow as a player
  • A friendly and fun but serious atmosphere when it is needed
  • A guild bank that is stocked with enchants, gems, and potions to help you out as needed.

Bnet: Lazed#1227
Discord: Lazed#8467

Bnet: RAINB0W#11219
Discord: Rainb0wbiscuit#3803

Hey there, I’d love to chat if you are interested in our team. here’s our post blow, please let me know!

I saw you were looking for a new guild. My guild is looking for some ranger dps :slight_smile: Here’s some info about my guild feel free to add me if you are interested :smiley: BreakingGameBalance - Bleeding Hollow - 9/9H-2/9M BOD - is recruiting players for our Mythic progression roster.

Currently we are raiding 2 days a week (Wed/Thur) and are looking to add skilled players to our Mythic progression roster.

BreakingGameBalance is full of veteran raiders who are competent, competitive, and enjoy raiding.

As of now we are looking to compliment our roster and progress through Mythic BOD.

Ideal Players:

  • Active and competitive
  • Have an understanding of Mythic raiding
  • Eager to learn and continuously work to improve their play
  • Understanding of logs and how to analyze their performance
  • Can show up on time for raids 2 days a week

395+ ilvl and 37+ artifact level are required.
70%+ parses are a large plus.

Our raid schedule is:

Wednesday (830-1230 ST or EST)(730-1130 CST)(530-930 PST)
Thursday (830-1230 ST or EST)(730-1130 CST)(530-930 PST)

Recruiting All exceptional players who share our mindset !

All exceptional players will be considered for a spot regardless of spec. Trials are offered at the beginning of each week.

Our roster IS COMPETITIVE and we will be taking the best 20 players into Mythic.

Remember, we like to have fun and are looking for like-minded players interested in raiding Mythic and progressing on bosses.

Please send an officer a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Jinxed#1459 (Raid Lead)
FailFixer#11337 (Guild Master)
Syby#1900 (Recruitment Officer)

Elevenfold [A] Stormrage

We are a 3 day per week progression orientated mythic raiding guild. Currently 6/9M BOD and 8/8 CE uldir and seeking exceptional ranged dps, 1 healer (pref resto shaman, priest, or MW) to round out our core raid roster.

Raid times: Tues/Wed/Sun - 7:30-11:00pm EST

Our goal is to push CE as quickly as we can on a reasonable raid schedule. Outside of mythic progression, we are active in other activities such as mythic key pushing, assaults, rbgs, etc. We run a lean raid roster and do not recruit for the bench, all needs are for core raid positions.

Current recruitment needs:
High priority : resto shaman, healy priest, ele sham, warlock, Boomie, Shadow priest, mage, mistweaver,

Please contact either:
Raid lead: Oblvnxknight#1712 (btag) or oblvnxknight#6331 (disc)
Recruitment Officer: Banr#1424 (btag) or Banr#4484 (discord)

Karma Horde on Stormreaver is recruiting ranged dps for its mythic team (preference for Spriest, Warlock, Hunter). We will consider applications from exceptional melee dps (DH or pally).

Current Progression: 3/9M 9/9H BoD and 6/8M Uldir

Raid Times: Tuesday/Wednesday 7:30-10:30PM Central/Server Time (Optional Sundays: 8:00pm-10:30pm Central)

Next steps:
Complete and submit an application (Phrasing Raid Team) - https://goo.gl/forms/6Gw6gtMObJPAXwh63
Join the guild’s Discord server: discord.gg/3Pb3QXs
For more information contact: Gingersnap#6581 (discord) or Gingersnapmd#1295 (battle.net)

4/9m 9-12 est mon-tues-thr james#12323

AOTC (2-18-19) 1/9M 9/9H
a close group of raiders looking to increase our raider profile to push mythic BFD content and continue clearing heroic BFD. Consistent Mythic plus key runners. Some PVPers also! Fun Friendly atmosphere raiders always willing to help each other! Come join our team and enjoy crushing content with us!

Raid times TUES/THURS 930pm-12-1230am PST Server time

All will be considered for raiding! Priority to the list below!

 Healer- Resto Shaman!
 Tank- Any
 DPS- Warlock (destro/demon), Mage, Shadow Priest, Ele Shaman, and Rogue!

Just because your spec and class are not listed does not mean you will not be considered!

get in contact with me via Battle tag or you can reply to this thread!
