405 mage main LF M+ guild and 2 night raiding guild

Come check us out…

Dark Exiles is a newly founded guild on Bleeding Hollow, with a experience leadership that are veteran raiders and M+ players.

We are looking for members who are interested in PvE content, such as mythic plus, as well as mythic raiding.

Our heroic raid group has achieved 8/8N and 7/8H, and we raid Tuesday and Thursday at 7:30-10:30PM Eastern Standard Time (server time). We also raid on Thursday and hope to get AOTC on Thursday. The only thing keeping us from attempting mythic bosses is our lack of members. Our heroic group is looking for dps and healers who are flexible swapping between heals/dps. We are in major need of a windwalker monk, holy priest, resto shaman, enhancement shaman, elemental shaman, mage, and rogue. All others are still welcome to apply.

If you aren’t on Bleeding Hollow, we can trial you in Normal/Heroic via cross-server, and if you work out I will pay for your server transfer so you can come to mythic with us.

We have a second group that raids 7:30-10:30pm EST Tuesday/Thursday. They are currently 8/8N and 2/8H and are in need of healers and dps.

What if I am new to the game and have never raided or done M+?
We built this guild up from scratch. Many of our players were new to the game, undergeared, never raided, or were brand new players to WoW in general. I am extremely impressed with our leadership team, as when we started raided our raiders were barely able to clear normal raids, and now we almost have all heroic bosses on farm.

I am very confident that we will be able to teach more players how to raid and be successful, and we find great satisfaction in gearing players and bringing them up to preform at high levels.

Why join Dark Exiles?

  • We have a quickly growing community that supports each other to do content such as leveling, quests, M+, raids, achievements, mounts, and pet farming. There is always something to do and usually no lack of people in the guild willing to help you.
  • We have weekly events where you can win gold prizes, such as transmog competitions, fresh character races, and scheduled achievement runs.
  • We have an active Discord where we share pictures of our pets, guild achievements, transmogs, and post important information, as well as hang out in voice channels!

If you are interested in joining, please feel free to add me!
Discord: Drummerthing#5497
Battletag: Drummerthing#1906

Hi there
7/8H Raz at 36%
Tues/Wed 830-1130 eastern.
Grimfrost[A] on Emerald Dream
8/10M on Sod
5/11M on Sofo

Looking to fill last few core spots before heading into mythic. If you’d like to join a small, tight knit guild who enjoys the game as well as cursing like sailors, then I’d love to talk. We also run keys upwards of +20s

Mortiia#6352 on disc
Would love to talk

Let’s chat over discord! We are 2day guild and we are 2/8m. Forreal#1407

Hey there Olohunt!

HR Department ([H] Mal’Ganis) is the leading guild of a 2 night a week established cross-realm heroic raiding group who also runs (a lot of) mythic plus. We raid Wed/Thurs 8-11ET (5-8PT) but community members are around almost every night for M+. We currently have a minimum ilevel of 405 for prog nights.

We focus on being an inclusive, collaborative community encouraging and helping fellow community members both during raids and in M+. We’re a small friendly group looking to add members to our raid and M+ community who fit well with the team and are looking for a similar community.

For more information reach out to Ky#8778 on discord.

Hey there, We are The Regulatorz on Illidan. We are 2/8M - 8/8H - We raid Tuesdays/Wednesdays 8-11PM EST. If this fits your criteria DM me for more info! Discord - Danimal#2450 - BNET - Danimal#11524

Hi there! We are in need of some good dps. Our guild raids from 6 to 9 pm PST on wed and sat. We are 7/8 heroic knocking on the door of Raz for Aotc. We also push keys throughout the week with many members pushing 15s to 20s. Really chill laid back environment with active players.

Please reach out to drag our GM if you are interested in joining up for a raid spot…

Disc info for GM - @Draggato#5421