404 Lock / gearing Paladin LF Progression

Title. Only looking for a guild as my current one is no longer raiding mythic. can get references from old GM/RL for serious enquiries.

Currently gearing up Paladin to tank/heal - would like to main but not fussed if I play warlock for rest of tier. Can get logs if needed.

PALADIN - https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/barthilas/chack
WARLOCK - https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/frostmourne/minidots

Would ideally like to stay Horde Barthilas (can move warlock, dont really want to move paladin unless perfect guild)

Times available: SUN/MON/WED/THUR 7:45ST Onwards


I realize you say Barth is your preference but if you have no luck there and looking for a home, Clinical on Khaz’goroth are looking to increase our roster, particularly in the DPS area!
Our post is here or just btag an officer. GL with finding a new home!


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Have added for a chat bud. cheers