402 4 Piece Mw Monk LF Mythic Raiding Guild

Hi There,
402 MW Monk here 2.9/8 M experienced monk LF Later Night mythic Guild. I’ve gotten Mythic Terros to 3%. Currently over 2k io. LF Guild wanted to push further into mythic without the ego that tags along with it. If any guilds raid 6pm PST or Later that would be preferred any night works… Would like to also bring my friend dps evoker just for heroic runs if the guild is still running those.

Super hope someone see’s this.
BNET Ardreyn#1285

Still looking willing to share logs.

Hi! Not sure your interest but i and a few friends have recently (this week) started our own guild . We’re putting a team together to quickly reclear heroic and then get into mythic. We left our previous guild with aotc and 2/8m so i expect that once we get started raiding, progression will go quickly until Mythic.

If you’re interested you can put an app in here:

https:// forms.gle/CCGhMB4ySVnFTG696

And our recruitment post here:
<Scarlet> Brand new CE Startup LFM

Just sent you a btag request, here is our spam - lmk if you guys are possibly interested in joining -

Superiority Complex
US - Stormrage - Alliance
Raid Days: Tuesday & Wednesday 8PM - 11PM EST

Progression 2/8M

Who we are

The guild was formed at the beginning of the expansion by its core team, made up of 2700+ mythic+ teams and former CE raiders looking for a casual and fun take on progression raiding. Our aim and goal is to always push as far forward into the content as we can, aiming for AOTCs and then into mythic. The intended goal is to reach CE at each tier, however this is a newer group and with that will come learning.

That being said we’re not hardcore nutbags who scream at our raiders. We expect our players to perform and improve, and spots are competitive in the mythic raiding core - however we know we’re not Limit/Method.

Current Needs


  • Havoc DH
  • Windwalker Monk
  • Holy Paladin
  • Disc Priest

We are open to all DPS classes and specs at the moment as well. Above is just our preferred needs.


Kj - Btag: KrakenJack#1469 | Discord: KrakenJack#2265
Runaways - Discord: TrueEye#8214
Sorf - Discord: Sorfarion#6779
Ttbag - Discord: Tteabag#3120