401 Mistweaver. Looking for 2 night raiding guild. 4 to 5 hours a week

Howdy Masashige!

How active are you talking about? :wink: And if you are talking about healing keys, well…we sometimes lack healers online to get a guild key group going, so I’m certain you would get pulled in right away…lol!

We always have a tank available, and more than likely the dps up for it.

Right now we generally have 10-12 people online every night, we seem to be busier late nite…like 10pm-2am EST. Still plugging through raids even though we are fighting the attendance boss.

For raids we are looking for DPS with a healing offspec that can switch easily if needed. Do you happen to dps on any of your healing toons?

We are a bit more of a casual group, so sometimes we are missing some of our core healers.

Anyhow, check out our guild spam and let me know if you are interested: [H]Revered with Death - What's your End Game?

Best of luck with your search!

