400 MS Batching/2.5 Tick Servers

I literally just proved your nonsense wrong with 3 videos dude. There’s no more excuse to keep saying this. If you are going to keep repeating things I just proved wrong then you’re a lost cause.

Yes, yes I did. I JUST gave you a video showing JUST that.

No you did not. No even one single instance.

That was a SPELL. If leeway had worked then as it does not they’d be hitting each other at 14:52.

Good lord.

I’m done.

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I’m sorry a spell? A fury warrior landing 4 autos and a bloodfury is spells? I’m sorry what? You honestly can NOT be this dense. There’s absolutely no way

Also, glad you mentioned 14:52 because he is indeed out of leeway range until 14:53 where he is still out of melee range but leeway kicks in AGAIN and he lands an auto.

You have failed the very prayer you laud.

Read it. Read it again. Keep reading it until you understand why your response is a betrayal of the very belief you “hold dear”.

Um… CLEARLY the warrior cast Death. How can you not see that?

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Maybe you should read my posts over and over again, sounds like they would do you some good.

Hopefully rated arenas never come out. They started the decline of strategic battleground PvP and started balancing decisions based on arena fight scenarios.

Hard pass for me, no thank you.

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LOL I love it when people say this! Blizzard never made decisions for balancing for classes for pvp. They notoriously said pvp was a second thought and they don’t care about what happens to it. Christ the lead designer straight up said this in an old interview. I’ll look for it this was pre-holinka days. He straight up laughed when someone asked if they could balance pvp better.

Found it!!!


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He’s just doing to deny the video you just linked even exists lol. I gave him a video saying “here look this guy is consistently getting hit at classic like leeway ranges”. And all he had to say was “you never even linked me a video showing consistent attacks at leeway range”.

Pat’s video demonstrates a Tauren Warrior hitting at a range that’s consistent to that particular race given that the Tauren hitbox was larger, period. The problem with leeway is that on classic they can consistently hit you from even further away, and that all races in general can hit you from the distance shown.

As for batching, it existed, but there’s a lot that’s just off with it when it comes to application of effects. One example I can cite at the moment are mobs that just walk through imp. Blizzard where the damage registers, but the snare isn’t applied. Another example would be the HoT component of abilities like Regrowth appearing on and even ticking before the direct heal component even registers. It’s just off, and to argue that point is to be intellectually dishonest.

Refer to the videos I’ve posted above a thousand times over to see a Tauren hitting at your ‘leeway’ range circa vanilla time period

Take my timestamp and slow the video down, notice exactly when the melee swing begins:

Compare it to this timestamp:

The first video is not necessarily even at max leeway range and it’s still very close to the second video. People are really forgetting that that beta video is showing the MAXIMUM leeway range and that’s a lot harder to come across in actual PvP.

I even took a screenshot:


and from the Classic video:


This alongside the confirmation from Blizzard that melee leeway is working as intended should settle this debate. It won’t though, because people can’t accept being wrong about anything.

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This was consistent with vanilla /facepalm.


Stop it.

Seriously do you just see something that annoys you and instantly say “THIS WASNT IN VANILLA”

Seriously just stop

I posted 4 videos above showing abilities working EXACTLY like this in vanilla.


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Y’know, that’s fair. Bad memory on my end, I suppose.

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Another casualty of the intentional delay is pet pulling groups. Here’s what happens:

  1. Pet attacks monster, single monster aggros pet instantly
  2. server tic/delay
  3. rest of the group aggros pet

The problem is, if I enter proximity aggro range before server tic where the group aggros the pet, group aggro is transferred to me instead of the pet. The server prioritizes my proximity aggro over social aggro from the harmful action my pet did, which is probably a separate issue, but the slow server tic means I run into it all the time when pulling

Again, you shame the prayer.

I don’t care one way or the other, personally. It’s not my faith that’s being betrayed. That’s between you and your man and, like the Internet, he never forgets.