Red Legged Pirates - Semi-Hardcore guild on Illidan. Contact me @ Doublequartr#1929 -WE ARE LOOKING FOR RANGED AND HEALS FOR OUR CORE GROUP as well as anybody who would like to be a filler/rover if needed. OUR GUILD is constantly running (low/high) KEYS to funnel some gear around and hunt down anything we might need. If you would like to be a casual/social and only run keys or battlegrounds we have a place for you as well. 8PM TO 11PM SERVER TIME - TUESDAY (REST OF DAYS TO BE POSTED LATER) OUR GOAL & PLANS FOR THE FUTURE. -We will be transitioning from a 2-day to a 3-day raiding schedule, and our goal is to finish progressing through Heroic as a guild, and continue onto Mythic and climb through the guild ranks on our server. EXPECTATIONS & REQUIREMENTS. -If you are interested in joining and are selected to be in the roster you are expected to always show up on time, and be raid prepared, that means enchants, gems, pots and all other goodies in case Guild does not provide them at a certain point. -Have a WORKING MIC and a decent connection to not be offline or discontented constantly. We do understand that not everybody has a good computer but consider making a few changes if you are going to be progressing MYTHIC.
We raid 2 nights a week, but on Tues/Thurs. If that’s not a problem for you guys, check us out below. Worth mentioning that we offer PAID transfers!
Fearfulways is recruiting players for mythic BoD progression. We have a long history of achieving #1 raiding status on our realm and are working to continue that success into BoD and beyond. We are looking for strong, reliable players to join our MAIN raiding roster (not a bench spot!)
Current schedule:
Tuesday 7:00-10 EST
Thursday 7:00-10 EST
Roster needs:
Healer (low): any
DPS (high): Ranged and melee dps, especially moonkin, shadow priest, demonhunter, rogue
Tank (low): any
Exceptional players of ANY role/class will be considered.
If you have any questions or would like to be considered to trial with us, leave your information in our Discord!
Alternatively, add one of our officers’ btags below:
Stay Focused on Zul’jin
Raid times:
Tuesday/Thursday 11:00pm - 2am:00pm EST
Optional raid:
monday 11:00pm - 2am:00pm EST
Uldir 7/8M
BoD 9/9H 3/9M
Add our btag or Discord for more info.
DISCORD: Resto#2261 / Burlin#7478
BNET: Restoskills9#1890 / Banana#1738
Hello! We are a late night guild on BH, and while our goal is to progress through all of mythic, we do it with a relaxed attitude and have fun with each other!
Resounding Maybe on US-Bleeding Hollow is currently looking for more members for our raid team! We raid Fri (9-12PST) and Sat (8-11PST), with a Wednesday off night (currently normal BoD, 8-11PST). Always open to trials before transfers as well!
If interested let me know! McAlison#1894