4 Set 1/11M 10/11H Holy Paladin multi tier CE

I used to be hardcore back in the day. Multi CEs.

SOF 10/11H- 1-11M
6/10M SOD - I got the 6 kills few weeks before 9.2.
10/10M CN

yo , check out the forum post i just made, hmu if interested Thrall (H) (cross server raid team) – Throwbois Fri/Sat 10pm-12am EST LF DPS and Healers

Hey there! We’re <involved> (2/11M 10/11H SFO) on Illidan: a 3-night mythic guild (T/W/Th 6pm-9pm PT) with a focus on highly effective and efficient raiding. We’re looking for a holy paladin and would love a chance to talk further if you’re interested! Feel free to dm me on disc at airbear#5254 or bnet at airbear#11389 .

Hello! I am with on Mal’Ganis. We raid Saturday and Sunday 9pm - 1am EST, with a alt run on Friday nights. Our core members and officers have a long history of CE and pushing both US rank / HOF as well as individual spec ranks. We hope to utilize that raid history to lead a competitive raid team on a more laid-back, work and family friendly schedule.

We have an immediate need for a Holy Paladin right now. If this is something you would be interested, feel free to hit me up on discord @ Tenplybud#9780 and we can have a chat!