4 Players looking for new guild

Add me @ Basedgod#1650

Hey Laoks, read your post and I think our raid might have room for all four of you! Check us out:

Fearfulways is recruiting players for mythic BoD progression. We have a long history of achieving #1 raiding status on our realm and are working to continue that success into BoD and beyond. We are looking for strong, reliable players to join our MAIN raiding roster (not a bench spot!)

Current schedule:
Tuesday 7:00-10 EST
Thursday 7:00-10 EST

Roster needs:
Healer (low): any
DPS (high): Ranged and melee dps, especially moonkin, shadow priest, demonhunter, rogue
Tank (low): any

Exceptional players of ANY role/class will be considered.

If you have any questions or would like to be considered to trial with us, add one of our officers’ battletags below:


Hey Loaks check us out.

Meters Over Everything are newly formed guild in Turalyon looking to recruit the following classes and roles; Raid times are 8:30-11pm EST Tueday/Friday

Healer Priest ( Any Spec)

Shadow priest

Boomkin, Resto Druid

Shaman Dps/ Resto Shaman



Demon Hunter

Blood DK/ Unholy

Monk Healer/DPS/Tank



If you have strong situational awareness, know your class , and enjoy raiding in a friendly environment, then we might be the place for you! Feel free to contact Dojawar (djcipher#1336), Charlie (Charlie#13641).

About us:

Meters over Everything started with a group of IRL friends looking to extend our group through WoW. We all are exceptionally good players that have always raided with the highest preparation possible. We look to help people, but also expect that you know your stuff and come prepared like anyone else. Attendance is very lenient, you can simply let us know if you can make the raid or not, if you want to do mythic plus, PvP, etc, instead of raiding. That is completely fine with us.

Current Guild progression with new roster began 2/8/19, currently have 1/9M 3/9H 6/9N, will start Heroic runs on 2/12. Most of us have at least cleared 3/9H with some having cleared all bosses on Heroic. We will be looking to clear this tier on heroic and possibly knock down some mythic bosses before next tier release. During none raiding nights you will find our current core farming Mythic+ everyday. We aim to complete Mythic 10 keys on all our characters. Since the release of BoD everyone on our roster has complete their weekly Mythic 10. We are very competitive but will maintain a relaxed approach.

If this sounds like the type of environment you would like to be part of shoot us a message.

A little Information about Dracarys Productions:
Faction: Horde
Server: Bleeding-Hollow
Raid times: Tuesday and Thursday 8:30-11:00 pm Est

Guild information:
Small, casual guild with Female GM. LF people who want to raid (softcore), push mythics with us, run alt runs, mog and mount runs. Some PVP (W/BGS).

Guild was created during middle of legion, and was semi-active for about 2 months. People started to leave or do their own thing and guild died down. Right as BFA was released started up with recruitment and have recruited a decent number of people.

GM needs down to earth people who have patience running the raid and don’t mind wiping a few times. Need people to run mythics with and just in general anything with. Need people who want a mature chill atmosphere but can also get stuff done.

Need people who can commit most raid days ( I do understand RL stuff takes priority, but need people who will be present most of the days we do raid)

What is needed (for raiding):
Locks, Priests(Disc or Holy), DH (DPS-possible tank spec as well).
Need Healers and DPS (Tank as secondary class to fill when needed)

We are currently 8/9N(With hopes to down Jaina within the next week so we can progress through H). We are currently running with another solid guild and have had success with them. I would like to have a FULL GUILD GROUP HOWEVER.

We love to chat and hang out in discord as well!

If you are interested or would like to hear more, add me on bnet Glidergirl90#1793

add me at Basedgod#1650