We are in need of ranged DPS. But we’re open to all classes as well.
Risen Anarchy has a wide range of players from veterans to newcomers. So it is a terrific place for those that are interested in joining our raid and mythic + teams. We were all seasoned raiders that pushed progression back in the day, and are progressing faster through heroic into mythic now. Those that join our guild can enjoy a N-S-R-G: Non-Sweaty-Social-Raiding-Guild environment.
The bonds of friendship that were created through our guild culture and adventures persisted stronger than a raid flask. We hope to build new friendships while fortifying the existing ones. We provide consumables, repairs, Discord community, and offer a unique guild reward system for our members.
We are looking to have people running mythic+, and weekly raids. We are currently 2/8H and 2/8N looking to clear the rest of normal this week. Last season we were currently 8/8H, 4/8M and progging on Princess. And quite a few of us are already KSM & KSH. We raid Tuesday & Thursday (7:30PM CST - 10:30PM CST) with a 20-30 person balanced raid roster. Come experience the progression with us!
We also do guild giveaways and look to start our third mythic+ team tournament for prizes.
We hope you come join us to have fun and cause some anarchy on Sargeras!
You can reach me at
Bnet - Tyronious#1742
Discord - @ Tyronious88