Some people are literally incapable of fathoming other people might enjoy different things other than what they enjoy.
Dear boy, them not ignoring PvP completely doesn’t make it PvP-focused. They added 100 things and 2 of them touched on PvP and you’re so starved for content that you think it makes the season about PvP.
Certainly you’d recognize that it was far more PvP focused than most other expansions that came out after it.
I’m excited for all of the content. Just trying to figure out why you’d intentionally not want to do some of the content. The cap is 25. What’s the rush?
Please don’t avoid the question
Is Wrath of the Lich King a PvP-focused expansion, because of Wintergrasp, an endgame zone containing a raid much like Ashenvale?
I know.
PvE has literally kept WoW , and many other , games going and to think that only 5% will be PvE is crazy.
Honestly if not for the streamers heading to that pvp server it would be the lowest pop by far lol.
You’ve got issues.
The person above me literally said season of discovery isn’t PvP focused at all. It absolutely is. Just like wrath was.
How much? Well that question is entirely subjective.
You’re still avoiding the question
You get to participate in 100% of the content on a PvE server. Griefing isn’t content for well-adjusted human beings. You can still flag for open world PvP and you still get the premiere PvP content of BGs.
I don’t think you understand what the word “focus” means.
Then I suggest you use ChatGPT to read for you.
Hyperbole is kind of the driving factor behind all of your positions it seems.
Very well adjusted
I suppose sarcasm is a coping mechanism
I really can’t help you with reading comprehension. I’ve answered your question.
What hyperbole? The playerbase that cringily clings to PvP servers in classiclike games has proven to be the concentrated filth from the original run of the game. Where it used to be 70% real PvP and 30% griefing it’s now 95% griefing and 5% real PvP.
As a non-sociopath that behavior isn’t particularly appealing to me.
I’m with you!
Yeah I’d say that’s hyperbole. At least you identified it for yourself. The other person throwing a fit can’t even read.
I haven’t engaged in any hyperbole.
I retract my last statement.
No, you didn’t. I asked you if Wrath of the Lich King is a PvP-focused expansion due to the existence of Wintergrasp. It’s a simple “yes or no” question, but your only responses have been baseless insults, bringing up other expansions, and talking about what someone else said
I suggest you scroll up and read.