4 hour maintenance?

Im just watching my shows i need to catch up now lol!

I won’t deny your assumption. Hard to have a reality when you work 50+ hour work weeks.

I smell milking.

When you have alot of bugs and alot of solutions to implement you give yourself maybe 2 extra hours to make sure you do not bring the servers back up worse than when they were up before. This is fine and even better if it actually helps stabilize the games servers.

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Oh lordy lordy whatever shall you do? Its a cryin’ shame. 50 cents a day, holy moly!

If you are worried at paying 50 cents a day, and cant find something else to do for a few hours, you got more problems than you think you do.

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a bunch of us do shift work tuffy, take a breath.


I mean you can call them whatever you want. However, Blizzard is doing a lot to warrant the stir up themselves. When things get reported as bugged in the PTR and they go ahead and just slap it into the game on Tuesday morning anyways. It’s going to warrant a little shade being thrown their way.

I agree people get a little to impatient to jump into the game when it’s only a 3 hour wait. Everyone’s 465 waiting for them in their chest adds to the animosity.

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Making fun of people with a low paying job is pretty lowball. So what at least there are trying to better themselves. I would think someone with a name like yours would want better rights for employees.

We are all so thankful for your hard work posting on WOW boards at 10:30 on a Tuesday.

Carry on soldier. I envy your jealousy

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um get a better job?

That’s a yikes from me.

How about making fun of people that are disabled or on assistance, you sure are caring


and a hug from me.

corporate mc d is diff.

Quick, somebody link the “Angry Joe 4 hour montage video”.

First off never once made fun of anything also if you have seen what I have seen. You would be incredibly bitter I promise. Ignoring the abuse the system faces. If you are truely disabled you have no fear. But considering you defend abuse I have a few ideas.

Barsky, I have an amazing claw back scratcher that can reach any gluteal muscle you desire.

Wait… What were we talking about?

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I can kind of understand, my partner works 60 hours a week every week for overtime pay and has for years now so he can only play on restricted hours. But I take care of 100% of housework and childcare so he can game all he wants after work and on weekends. BUT he isn’t a bitter butthead that shames the needy on welfare even though he also works his tush off. I really love that about him.


It has always been down this much (or more, back in Vanilla), for $15 a month.

So 15 years later, you are actually paying less.

If you are truely disabled you have no fear. But ignoring its abuse damages y’all too.