4 friends LF mythic guild

Hey there! Both our groups are right around you guys’ level so I hope one of the two times work out for us!

Phasers On Stun - H - Illidan

Raid times:
Weekend group: 12pm-4pm central time on Saturday Sunday (weekend afternoons). 1/10m, 10/10h last tier: 10/12m.
Weeknight group: 5-8pm central time, Wednesday and Thursday. 9/10h. New for SL.

Friday night heroic (very optional) 5-8pm central time.

Rules & Information:
Age limit - We do not want players under 18, most of the guild is in their mid 20s to mid 30s.
Loot - RCLootCouncil. You keep BoP upgrades for your mainspec. BoEs go to the guild bank always.
Attendance - needs to be above 80% within any rolling 3 month average. Absences need to be posted in discord in advance. Not the place for you if your work schedule is crazy, or you often need to AFK.
Roster size - we run a roster of around 25. 5 people sit for every fight. It rotates on a per boss basis in an attempt to get everyone the loot they need. Know that you will sit sometimes. Probably for at least 1-2 bosses a weekend.
Guild bank - takes all BoEs & provides food, flasks, prepots, repairs, etc.
Civility - We won’t tolerate racism, homophobia, or just generally being a horrible person. First offense gets you removed for any of this.

The ultimate goal of this guild is to build a mythic team capable of getting CE. I don’t have any interest in being top 100, top 500, or anything like that; however I would like to get there eventually. We’re definitely not going to sacrifice being decent human beings or having fun to get there though.

Application: https://forms.gle/rQAdS3ouuu6mexh18

Discord: brandy#0001
battle.net: brandy#1599

Hey Samul, feel free to add me. retrowave#11236