4 Dudes looking for a raiding guild [H] or [A] [US]

I think you’d be a good fit for us. should we not meet your needs, I wish you the best of luck in your search for a raiding team.

we have 2 teams and our “Rick & Morty” team are right up your alley and can accommodate your group. I’m available to chat recruitment at your soonest convenience. I have added you to btag.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

<Mental Alacrity>, horde, Area52.

★ We are semi-hardcore 2 day raiding team and a more casual 2day team.

★ We raid tuesday & weds, 845PM EST to 12AM EST - invites go out at 845est pm

★ our “Rick & Morty” team raids weds/thurs 9-11:30pm est, with invites at 845pm.

our current progression on our Alacrity (tues/weds) team is:
9N | 7H |1M (about to be 2 mythic).

our progression on our “Rick & Morty” team is:
9N | 6H

we have organized m+ events (mythic+ monday, where we typically have 6 groups running keys to make sure everyone gets a 10+ for the week done. we also have a “fightin’ fridays” with our partner guild , we do rbgs and battlegrounds/arenas with them at 7pm est ish. we host a partnered normal mode run as well with them. we have a healthy roster for heroic/mythic on our teams and are looking to balance it out.

we are looking for players who:

★ are eager to use their talents to support their team and tackle content

★ mythic experience preferred, however not required

★ take raid time seriously; They know the ins and outs of their class and each boss encounter.

★ who treat others with dignity and respect

★ have a good sense of humor

if you possess the mental alacrity to stand up to the task, please reach out to any of the following for additional information or an interview:

Our Alacrity team leads:
★ lunanyte - luna#14515 - gm
★ illuminatus – illuminatus#1347 - gm
★ batteryninja#1624 - officer

our “Rick & Morty” team leads:
★ billknight - nertz#1379 - prime lead
★ recks - Redux#1925 - officer


Raid Times:
Tuesday and Thursday from 8-11PM EST.

About Us:
Cutting Corners is a guild formed by a group of experienced raiders for the purpose of providing an efficient and enjoyable raiding experience.

We originally were long time mythic raiders, this tier we’ve gotten to 3/8 Mythic but decided to settle for casual heroic, while farming Mythic + for BoD and so on.

While we are first and foremost a heroic progression guild, members are also running M+ throughout the day and some members are active in rated PvP. Our discord is extremely active and we do our best to get everyone involved in activities outside raiding and other games, we are recruiting all type of players!

Diago#1887 (Recruitment)

9/9N 5/9H
Bleeding Hollow
Raid time - Blue team Wed/Mon 9-11:30 EST
- Sunday alt night 8pm (is not mandatory)

Hi there! I think you’d all make a great addition to our Raid roster! We could use each of those classes minus tanks for raid, but tanking off times mythic+'s is a plus. Berserk has a friendly atmosphere focused on progressing with a two night a week schedule. is a two raid group guild with a large amount of active players regularly running M+, Alt Raids, and PvP content. Blue Squad is the second raid group within the guild and we are looking for active players with a passion to play their class and succeed in the current content. We encourage a friendly competitive nature, with a positive mature approach. We understand that people have lives as well and that things happen and can come out of no where.

Add me Bnet: Immortalized#11758

I think you guys would be a perfect fit with us. We are a small guild currently 5/9H BoD. We raid Tues/Thurs 9:15pm-12EST. We always joke around in discord and have fun but are serious enough to down the bosses we need.

(Group Six) - Auchindoun, guild has been around for over 9 years and was always a causal and friendly raiding guild. We primarly raid heroic content and have gotten Ahead of The Curve on every raid tier since Mists of Pandaria.

We currently have 12 people on our raid roster and are looking to be at around 15 or 16. We can help you gear up and get to the item levels you need. More importantly, we are looking for people who just want to have fun raiding and playing the game.

Send me an ingame message Wind#1853.

I have added you to Battlenet and Discord if you are interested.


Hi Notamoos,
My guild, Phoenix Vanguard (A), is looking to fill out our ranks a bit and believe that being friendly and helping each other out are important. We raid weekly (Tues/Wed 9pm-12am EST with an optional Thurs night - same time), do M+ usually on Fridays and Sundays (but if we’re on we’re usually up for whatever), we do PvP as well but that’s on a pretty loose schedule. We lost a chunk of our raiders recently due to our desire to push into mythic as opposed to repeating heroic on replay until the end of the tier. That being said, currently we could accommodate your entire group! We are a raid progression guild, emphasis on progression (9/9N 6/9H BoD) but to say that is all we are would be selling ourselves short. We are looking to push into mythic raiding but are not a CE focused guild. If you are interested or would like to know more just let me know! Delirium#11294 or KiwiTiger#11312

<Goonies Never Say Wipe> 

of Zul’Jin Horde is now recruiting.

Most of the current team are former semi-hardcore/hardcore raiders who used to raid 3+ nights a week. As we’ve gotten older, we’re less willing to treat WoW like a full time job but we still want to see the content. Our current one night a week raid schedule is perfect for that. This is a great group for “retired” raiders, college students, or others who want to experience the content with good players but without the heavy time commitment.

We are currently are looking for any exceptional players of all class and Spec.
Casuals are also always welcome.

We raid one day a week on Sundays from 6 to 10pm EST.
We also have an optional/alt raid Saturday nights at 7:30.

We have some kooky personalities in our guild and we are looking for people we will get along with. A great sense of sick & depraved humor, thick skin, and willingness to put the group first are all required. Also, many of the players in our guild come from former semi-hardcore/hardcore backgrounds and we are looking for people with high output and good raid awareness for our daily Mythic + Runs.

Please note: alts are welcome! If you are a serious raider that raids during the week on your main and you have an alt you’d like to get a fun once a week group for, this is the perfect opportunity for you if this sounds like a good fit for you add me on Btag Mako#1649

We offer casual and hardcore raiding

<Alliance Lives Matter> Connected Realms- Scilla, Zuluhed, Andorhal and Ursin

Currently 6/9M, 9/9H BoD, 8/8M Uldir [ce] , 11/11M Antorus [cutting edge]. We are #1 Alliance on our server group.


Recruitment Needs for Mythic: (Transfer Required) 1 tank (no DH/bear/prot pal) , 1 priest or shaman, 1 ranged dps. 1 dps with strong tank off spec, prefer ww/bm. Potentially 1 stud melee player. Anyone talented regardless of class/spec will be considered. Do not be shy to apply even if you are not one of our high priority classes.

We also recruit normal and heroic only raiders for our normal and heroic raids. We have many awesome less hardcore players that join us for heroic and normal to learn from our mythic raiders. This is a very active and growing guild. Our raiders do not just log on to raid and than disappear.

Guild Goals: To full clear mythic BoD in a timely competitive fashion (US 250 Minimum) [COMPLETED; cut our US ranking in HALF] and all future mythic raid tiers going forward in a quick and competitive manner. We set our goals and then we do what it takes to meet them. We do meet our goals. Period. We started antorus 6 months late and burned our way through cutting edge Antorus. This IS a cutting edge raiding guild with structure and organization.

Raid Schedule
[Mythic] Thursday 8:30pm-10:30pm cst
[Mythic] Sat/Sun 3:30-7:30 pm central.
[Heroic] Tuesday is our heroic night for our mythic raiders/sales run 8:30 central to 11:00pm. This run is optional but highly recommended for gear sharing.
[Heroic] Wednesday- Open to our heroic team raiders, mythic raiders, and mythic raider alts. run 8:30 central to 11:00. This team full clears heroic easily as well.
[Normal] Friday open to anyone 8:30 central to 10:00.

We push people to get 1 heroic clear and 1 mythic 10 plus a week done. This is * required for our mythic raiders. As long as there is forging in the game people should be fishing for titanforges.

More about the guild: We do it all, we aren’t just raiders. We are extremely active guild, the most active on the server, and more active than most servers/guilds. Our people do not just log on for raids once or twice a week. Our average age range is 28-35. We enjoy PvP- arenas, rbgs, bgs, wpvp, Mythic+, achievements. We have a very laid back but like to get stuff done kind of atmosphere when it is not raid time. When it is raid time, we get focused and serious and competitive in a non toxic results oriented manner. Very active and supportive guild filled with awesome human beings. Our raiders are competitive players always striving to better themselves. Flasks and feasts and vantus runes are provided for all progression raiding. We constantly analyze logs and push for improvement. We do not settle for mediocrity in any of our members so by being a part of this guild you will become a better player and person. This is just a small taste of our guild. Please contact an officer to have any questions or concerns addressed.

If you’re interested in raiding with us or would just like to join the guild feel free to contact Nebulaphobia, our recruitment officer.

BTag: Ashe#1789

Discord: Ashie#6243

In Game: Nebulaphobia-Scilla

Hi there! Welcome back to BFA!

A little information about the guild:
Name: Dracarys Productions
Faction: Horde
Realm: Bleeding-Hollow

Times: Tuesday and Thursday 8:30-11pm EST
What is needed
Tanks (With DPS experience as well- Tank spots will be filler spots)
DPS- Need both Melee and Ranged (Specifically Locks, Hunters, Shamans)
Healers- Any healing class

LF a RL when I am not around, so if you can lead a raid, that is a plus

More about us
On our off days we run/push M+s, level alts, run mog/mount runs, some pvp (W/BGS).
IF we have enough people, we will find days to run through the raid on ALTS

We are a very fun, social guild that is looking for people to PROGRESS through Heroic and Mythic BOD. We are a guild that strives to get AOTC, anything past that is just for fun :crazy_face:

Guild has been around since Middle-End of legion. Alot of players that played and were apart of the guild at that time have since left. Most of the players in the guild have been recruited from the start of BFA on.

We have a discord that we talk and BS in. Would like people to be active and social in the guild, but who want a more laid back place to play. We are a guild that puts friendship and having fun above everything else. Also REAL LIFE stuff is important. We Get it! But please, if you are signed up to raid and than have something come up that will stop you from being able to participate, just let me know :slight_smile:

I am always available whether it be through BNET or Discord!

If you want more information you can add me on either
Bnet: Glidergirl90#1793
Discord: Danielle#7366

Looking forward to speaking with you!:hugs:

Hey Notamoos,

I added you on Discord. We have room for all of you and end at midnight.

Interruptible of Area 52 is seeking talented individuals to push for success.

About Interruptible:
We are neither a casual nor a hardcore raiding guild. If you are looking for a team that approaches raiding professionally while maintaining a fun atmosphere, we may be the place for you. We are a mix of college students, working professionals, husbands/wives, and generally people from all walks of life. We are a friendly atmosphere, dramaless, social, and active guild. Plenty of activity within: Mythic +, Island Expeditions, PvP and outside games.

Our goals as a guild:
Our long-term goals are to provide a unique playing environment for our members. We would like for them to enjoy playing the game with other like minded individuals. Bringing together many different personalities with the same common goal will be very satisfying for everyone. This game has a lot to offer and can be very rewarding when you have the right people to play with.

Currently seeking:

  • One Off Tank
  • Mistweaver
  • Resto Shaman
  • Holy Paladin
  • Elemental Shaman
  • Hunter
  • Mage
  • Warlock
  • Rogue
  • Dps w/ Healer Offspec
  • If you are a great player and your class isn’t listed, feel free to reach out and we’ll be happy to give you a shot!

Raid Times:
Tuesday: 9PM EST - 11:59PM EST
Thursday: 9PM EST - 11:59PM EST

Current Raid Progression:
Mythic Uldir: 3/8
Heroic BoD: 7/9
Mythic BoD: 1/9

Contact us:
Main Contact (Battle Tag): Tony#17957 / Actaea#11471
Discord: Tony#1337 , Actaea#0855
In game characters: Dev, Actaea
Alternative Contacts Pixie#1588 (Discord: Pixie#0216)

Hey there,

Tainted Morals is 4/9H and looking for more raiders. Raid days/times: Tue/Thurs 8pm-11pm CST.

You can play whatever class you guys want.


Hey there! I have a horde guild that is 9/9H 2/9M w/ raid days TUE/WED 615-915pm PST… alt/heroic THUR same times and FRI RBGs. We quite active w/ keys and in discord. If only interested in heroic we do our heroic on THUR as mentioned above, if anyone interested in trialing into mythic team that could be an option also.

LMK if interested in chatting more


Our guild could be a good fit.

Current raid progression:

Red Team RL: Myiras - 2/8M Uldir, 7/9H BoD, 1/9M BoD. Tue/Thur, 8-11PM CST .

Blue Team RL: Chispera : 2/8M Uldir, 4/9H BoD. Sat/Sun, 2-5PM CST .

Note: Now looking for ranged DPS, ASAP! Warlocks, Boomkins, and Shadow Priests are highly preferred, we’re looking to fill 5 slots!

We have new raids leads with cutting edge experience looking to push us towards a full time mythic raiding team. Looking for players who show up on time raid ready that understand what it takes to achive mythic progression. Please be prepared to share your logs and experience.

We run raider key groups on Fridays between the two teams and then there are several guildies that run push m+ groups throughout the week and weekends.

Deathwing was our home for many years and expansions. However, due to a decreasing population and depleted talent pool for raiding - we packed our bags and headed to Korgath. Since our move, we have progressed through heroic/mythic raiding .

If you’re interested, Please message any of our Officers for more information.

Zaffre : Zaffre#1380
Fasra : Fasra#1208
Myiras : Myirk#1216
Chispera : Crazylady#11182

still looking forward to speaking with you :slight_smile:

Hey there, sent a request on discord as well, but if your looking to transfer / move to alliance we would love to have you all :slight_smile: Info below:

[A] [US] [Proudmoore] <Eternal Kingdom> - Team Valiant

Team Valiant is the newest raid team in that will be running on Friday and Saturday nights from 6-9 PST. We are now actively recruiting all classes and specializations to fill our new roster!

Valiant is a relaxed and friendly raiding environment committed to working together to progress through current heroic content. Valiant is a dedicated and constructive team for those who are either looking to progress beyond normal difficulty or those who are experienced raiders looking for a heroic weekend team.

Contact Information

Team Lead: Curat

Discord: Curat#0513

BTag: Alaric#1485

About Eternal Kingdom:

Eternal Kingdom is a large World of Warcraft multi-guild gaming community based on the Proudmoore realm for Alliance and Area 52 for Horde. We formed in 2013 with a very clear goal: Make the world a better place! Gaming is what we love to do but it isn’t just pixels and polygons for us. We understand that while playing a video game we can also create positive change for ourselves and for others. More information on our guild philosophy can be found on our guild information page on our website.

There are also a wide array guild events including multiple weekly Normal and Heroic fun runs, farming parties, guild contests etc so there is always something fun to do. Information on our various guild events are available on our website.

Howdy! I just wanted to let folks know that the guild Topflight on Tanaris / Greymane is recruiting DPS.

We raid (generally through heroic and the first 2-3 of mythic by the end of the tier), run mythic+, do some pvp, and give each other a hard time (in good fun) in discord while doing it.

We’re 8/9n and plan on moving into heroic shortly. Would have already but we had to take a break from raiding the last few weeks. Looking to get back to it asap.

Raid times are Wednesday and Thursday at 7:30 central. Flasks/food and what-not is provided.

Off-server? Not a problem. Join our community and run with us anyway!

Hmu here or in-game if you’d like to know more. Look forward to meeting you!

Hi Notamoos!

So we have a guild called Pain Palace. Honestly, most of us have been friends for awhile and we formed a guild recently to avoid drama. We are a casual raiding guild but we do strive for progression and want to have enough of a raid team for mythic! We started BoD a bit late (I think we’ve raided about 3 weekends now?) so we’re working to catch up on progress. Currently 3/9H, but looking to improve that quickly.

We like to talk crap a lot and have fun, while also maintaining competence. I know you said you prefer week times, but we raid on Saturdays and Sundays from 6-9pm CST, if you’re interested. Also, we try to gear people quickly with M+ when possible so that you can be ready for raiding. I hope y’all can find something that is a good fit!

If you are interested, I have a link to our discord recruitment channel posted on WoWProgress because I was unable to post a link here. >.<

Forgone Conclusion 9/9 N 4/9 H is a casual progression/social guild on the high population horde dominated server Thrall! We are currently recruiting to round out our roster and enlarge our social population. We are looking for people who are interested in raids, Mythic + and socializing with the awesome community we already have.

The guild is lead by two friends who have been playing together since BC, and supported by a team of officers with experience including cutting edge mythic content, various levels of PVP and Mythic +. The guild was founded with the intention to bring fun into the game again rather than it being a job while still enjoying the experience of new content with a group of friends.

We do not currently have set mythic + groups instead we rotate people in and out to get everyone their 10 throughout the week with our mix of tanks and heals we can have a few going at once.

We are looking for more DPS and healer to add to the raid group. We will always consider any player regardless of current needs, and will gladly accept any social players or M+ players.

Raids are held Wednesday and Thursday from 7:30PM-10:30PM EST, 6:30-9:30 CST, with the option of another clean up day or alt run if the membership agrees.

Our raid team currently is seeking:






Demon Hunter

bnet tag: Dennix#1965 (GM)
bnet tag: Memoryfoam#11291 (Raid Lead)
bnet tag: Edoras#1919

Hey Everyone!

So - you are 100% correct that finding a situation that can house all of you in your strengths is definitely a tough world! However! The beauty of our guild - is that we have a lot of people who can swing and I really think that we could definitely make 2 if not all 3 heals plug into the team and def the ret pally!

My main recruitment post does say 6 DPS and 1 heal - however - when you find a group of people that not only play together but are looking for that perfect guild home - you have to grab them! I think our guild would be a great fit and since 2 of our healers have a DPS offspec, and grabbing 4 peeps would up us close enough to carry 4 heals - now is a great time to get in on the action!!

If you guys are still looking - definitely hope you are - I would love to chat and answer any questions about the team. We have a normal BoD farm run coming up on Wednesday if you want to attend and check us out!

Here is just our basics in case we work out. Full recruitment post linked below.

Raid Team:
4/9H | 9/9N – All AotC’s since guild started end of MoP
Filling in from the normal roster rotation between raid tiers! You know how it is *^.^ *

Raid Nights:
Wed, Thur, Mon; 8-11 pm EST
Flexible raid schedule available – Cross server raiding available


  • Normal/Heroic Raid Team (took a step back from mythic in favor of flex raiding/less stress)
  • Always get our AotC - Active discord
  • 4+ years of raiding as a guild thanks to solid core.
  • If you break - we’ll be here when you get back
  • You and your friends can raid together without the worry of being cut! We work raiders from farm into progression by adding more bosses to their play list each week until they are skilled/geared to raid full time progression.

LFM Players who love the game as much as the rest of us! Active players outside of raid. Raiding not required to be a part of the guild as we do Mythic + twice a week, Mog runs and more.


  • Non-Raiders also welcome!
  • Mog Peeps - Travel with us into old content and let’s expand those closets!
  • Achievements - Nothing like knocking these out for bragging rights or mounts!
  • Mythic Plus - Actively running keys Tuesday &amp;amp; Fri/Sat - Mythic + rank in discord.

Look forward to hearing from you!

:+: Foxcee :+:
Btag & Discord: Foxcee#1707

If you guys haven’t found a home yet, give us a look

4/9M 8/8M cutting edge last teir, paid server xfers tues-thursday 3day 9-12 EST alliance for more information contact me at stumbles#1223

Meme Regime was formed in late 2013 as a 10 man guild full of friends. The bulk of us have been raiding together since BC/Wrath with a few core members being US top 50 - 100 in our prime. We like to think of ourselves as good people. However, we are self admit-tingly trollish at times. We like to have fun, and believe raiding should be something that is fun to do, not all work. We do have a serious face though >:|.

Current Progression:
5/8M Uldir
9/9H BoD
1/9M BoD

Current Needs:

BM/MM Hunter (HIGH)

Shadow/Disc/Holy Priest (Highest)

Warlock (HIGH)

Ele Shaman (HIGH)

Boomkin (HIGH)

Resto druid (Medium)

Resto Shaman (High)

Brewmaster (High)

All exceptional players will be considered! We don’t have a problem replacing someone if you can out-perform them.

Looking for the following;

Any exceptional/experienced player will be given a trial for the progression group.

Raid Times:

Tuesday: 9:00pm-12:00am EST*
Wednesday: 9:00pm-12:00am EST*
Thursday: 9:00pm-12:00am EST*

*Invites go out 15 minutes prior to raid start time, it is expected that we are in the raid ready to pull by 9EST.

If this sounds like a good fit for you feel free to add Fonze#1379 or Hotsauce#1407 on bnet