3v3 MMR Nerfed? No one Qing?

tinfoil hat

blizzard deliberately nerfed MMR some time ago in an attempt to prevent a repeat of BFAs4 AKA 3800 + MMR cap and also to deaden the ladder as well as add artificial hype for BC classic launch

two week notice drops with start of BC season 1 to promote activity on both versions

blizz plays hero as always and “corrects” the mmr issue, thus allowing the last two weeks to flush out rating sitters without hitting 3800CR cutoffs

both versions’ players are satisfied = more $30 bi-monthly sub purchases


I don’t think they do see it lol. Holinka’s answers on the interview seemed like he was oblivious to the current mmr issue.

what on god’s green earth am i going to do if the arbitrary rating on a 16 year old game gets too big

thank god blizzard saves the day by nerfing mmr before they get too big, i can’t comprehend big numbers


Can’t ruin The Hype of Obtaining Gladiator

wat if they made gladiator percentage based too wouldn’t that be so freaking cool haha imagine :slight_smile: ?

But then the Fun of last night pus-

Sorry, The Stress… of last night pushes would return…

The real question is what comes after 3? Never counted that high before

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corrupted season noobender queuing final day and curiously fighting the same haste amp MLD over and over at 3-5am final night of the season feeding them free r1

god i love static gladiator

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U know like I know… Ur Corrupted r1 in my heart

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Throwback to when inviable was queueing with noob on last night and could’ve been slamming out 100k shadow word pains but decided to turn off hacks for our boy.

how he solo’d kubzy mw that one time?

Did he end up getting to keep his r1 title?

He is beyond perma banned but yes technically

you can see the FOS but he’s gone MIA since then

Ah ok well glad to hear he got banned at least. Wasn’t sure if he just changed name or something.

Pretty stupid he didn’t get dq’d though and got someone else’s title.

He got like 7. Was just a prodigy at every class 20ilvls below everyone else

boutta permaban myself u guys know what im saying

the only thing that keeps me going is the bros and talking smack even though i’m unbelievably washed


poor mongoloid

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Was going to mention it if they took the time to perma the pos it wouldn’t be that hard to go back and give the title to the people directly screwed by him.