3v3 Ladder Tier List

does my xmog look really weird on anyone else screen rn


good job in that shuffle earlier buddy

A little bit.


He chugged the amatox shake. Hes glowing now

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I think it looks great.


I remember he had that grim purple shake and said it was the absolute worst.

Yea i had it before him and i had to replace my toilet.

Its like drinking a firecracker

Spill, sarcasm or did arf’s fotm reroll do something impressive?

If not sarcasm TY. I don’t know why the warrior/DK refused to go on the arcane mage. Least I went 4-2.

Lmao I wonder what happened to that guy.

Government abducted him

This is the most biasd tier list ive ever seen in my life


My teir list is the most unbiased one yet. Even yours is biased

Wanted to let everyone know I was wrong on this, only one beacon was called Amon Dîn, the one pippin and Gandalf lit. Each beacon has a specific name but they are called Beacons of Minas Tirith.

Sorry for spreading misinformation. Here is the scene: https://youtu.be/jm0wz0ZlYqc


I played vs you a week or two ago, I remember bc you insta kicked/stunned my empowered spells. Were you lucky or botting?

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nah i thought i had 6-0 in the bag gj

but arcane mage is kind of a tank its hard for dk and warrior to connect meaningfully

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Yeah bit hard when freedom gets spellstole, and no offensive dispel for alter and such as when you do connect alter is up. But you were playing blink stun so it was definitely possible for 2 melee to connect, just have to bait blink before you stun.

i tried to late spellsteal a bop one round cuz u were getting low, but i purged 2 crapbuffs and couldnt get rid of ur karma thought that woulda been a cool play

You are forgiven, simply because your post showed how much Swole just cannot help himself whenever someone corrects me.

I mean its not luck or a bot. Its not that hard to kick an evoker or know when they are about to cast.

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