3rd dragon spec, calling it now

They said straight up demon hunter would have 2 spec, they havent done that here.

I think its being withheld for story significance.

Also I read it.

You said you saw no black abilities. The breath attack that Ion is voice overing while mentioning Onyxia’s breath attack is very apparently black flight move.

You THINK it is, you have 0 proof of it, you just THINK it is…even DESPITE evidence of the contrary…

You read what? That there will be a third spec? Because…no you didn’t

I dont think we can make that assumption based on the dialogue he gave.

Wrong, the Black dragons are Earth dragons and will become a tanking class at the end of the exp is my bet. I think they want to make 5 man class stacking a thing and this would allow it.

Basically dragon style druid at that point, with feral removed.

Yes they did though

Ion literally said 2 specializations, a ranged dps and a healer

I don’t think they would hide a third spec to reveal later. They gave no indication of there being more than two specs

I mean red has certainly shown it can heal, but we’ve also seen it wreck mighty devastation before as well.

I have a post about this very idea.

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The black dragon flight was earth… Not necromancer death :laughing:

Where does he specifically say there wont be a third spec? This has been my point and the aspects he says who represent the 2 specs shown specifically leave out black.

but you think we can make an assumption based on what you think? It really sounds like you are just wishful thinking here dude.

It would be nice but I sincerely doubt they are making a third spec

I never say that! I am basing it off black dragon and then the death dragon called galakrond.

It’s a pretty safe bet both specs will have earth-based defenses. Sorta like how shaman do despite not having a tank spec.

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Yes, this whole thread is me making a long term bet, bet against me or with me.

But I watch the vid multiple times now and closely listened to his dialogue, we are strictly missing an aspect representation and I think the next one is going to be extra special.

Oh I am not sure if they will- I even doubt it. Just saying what they should do. My guess is they scrapped a third spec before alpha even began and the five flights line was a misspeak. Possibly budget, possibly time. But if they do add a spec, even if they add it later on, that’s what it should be. Alot of tanks, including me, will be trying out the new class and there will be a dearth of them even worse than now next expac.

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Thats all well and good but I dont want the aspects throwing a rock down my throat for dabbiling in a power that nearly destroyed Azeroth and brought them into becomming aspects.

Though we are there to help them return as protectors so becoming a shadow of what they fought in the past I guess would aid them…

We gonna choke!!!

He said there would be two. That means that there won’t be three, just as it means there won’t be seven.

Could be they sat down to design a Deathwing based tank spec, and realized later they just reinvented the prot warrior artifact.