(3/9N)Alliance Casual Raiding Guild (Thurs/Friday 7-10)

QT Island is recruiting all members for casual content and upcoming raids. Our days and times are Thursday and Friday from 7-10 but you’ll usually see us active every day and all times.

We’ve been playing together for many years on and off, we always aim to full clear heroic before the next following patch comes out.

We understand life happens, we’re here for fun but put on a semi serious face for raiding. If you’d like more information, please add Seadra#1913 to your battle tag or just reply here. =)

Currently in major need of heals!

Bumping! We’re still looking for great players to have a fun time and get some good raiding done!

Hi! Would you happen to need a tank? I’m still looking for a family and a more casual approach is exactly what I’m looking for right now. Feel free to check my LFG post for more information:


My Btag is CaptnJay#1359 and my Discord user is CaptnJay#8487. Looking forward to hearing from you! :slight_smile:

Hey there! Added on discord!

Really glad to see so many new players being added to the family!!

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Bumping for more people!

Hi, I currently have a 184 geared hunter and 170 geared Paladin (ret or prot) looking for a casual environment. I sent you an friend invite under pudgypants. Hope to talk to you soon!

Added =) Look forward to talking to you.

We still need two healers!! Come join me and help keep these idiots alive!

Raid starts for us this Thursday and Friday ! Come be apart of it!

Raid starts tomorrow! super excited!

If you are a healer and you need a new home, come join us!!

Still looking for healers! 3/10 n!

Hey - 181 Resto Druid here, looking for a raiding home for this xpac. My battlenet ID is RibbleRabble#1527. I’ll be home on around 5:30 CST - hopefully I’ll be able to catch one of y’all on!

Raid week 2 approaching! Need one more healer and 2 dps!

Heyo! Currently we are looking for some strong DPS and a Shaman/Disc Healer! Let me know if you are interested!! :slight_smile: