397 Rogue Lf guild

397 rogue looking for a heroic/mythic progression guild (alliance or horde)
Raid times: m-f 7pm-11pm cst raid times work for me
What I’m looking for: a semi-hardcore raid group, but the most important aspect for me is having a social scene, I’d prefer a guild that does more than just raid together. Looking for one to do m+ and just bs wq/mog stuff too.
About me: 25, played since tbc, did hardcore raiding and lots of pvp in the past but now that I’m a dad I’m more casual, still enjoy pushing hard content but just with less time to invest
Logs: gangster-lightbringer // check normal logs too, my guild doesn’t run heroic often and I had to pug
Discord- Quack#2831
Btag- Clay#12273

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Hey gangster,

Sent a discord request. We are currently looking for a rogue for our raid team. Will leave a long below to our guild post. Hope to hear from you soon.

Hi, Gang!

Our guild is currently 5/8 Heroic and looking to push into mythic. We would love to talk more and see if we would be a good fit for you!

My discord is laura#0003. Hope to hear from you!

Hey there. I’ll throw us in the mix. As a dad myself I have found daytime raids are perfect for me. We are a new guild raiding wed/thur 8-11 AM EST. We downed 8//8 N and 5/8 H today and are going back tomorrow hoping to finish them off. If interested in talking message me.
BN Jolenar#11150
Discord Ryaden#5511

Hey there! My name is Renew and I’m the GM of Breath. I formed Breath after getting CE in Nyalotha and taking a break during shadowlands to finish a doctorate. After I came back I wanted to start a fresh in a community built around the idea to respect one another’s time in game as it’s being dedicated to succeeding and not just carrying people through content because they’re friends or colleagues. In such, Ive created this guild with no connections outside of the common goal of utilizing our time to smoke content as fast as possible. When you sit down to raid there are other members of that group dedicating their valuable time to the game and your time with it and I take that very seriously. During our raid hours of Tuesday/Thursday from 9pm-12 EST it’s understood that your time is valuable so during those hours we churn and burn. The first goal is AOTC and the second goal is mythic content. Having already led PUGs to AOTC this is very feasible for an organized guild at this point in the season.

If you’d like to chat more I’m more than happy to set time aside and answer any questions you’d have. With this being a new guild we currently only have four members so understand that this process may take time but with quality raiders it makes life simpler on the back end.

My discord is Renew#0661 please reach out!

Thank you for your time,


Divine Esports - Alliance - Stormrage
Vault Progress: 8/8N 7/8H
Looking to Start Mythic Progression

We are an active semi-hardcore raiding/mythic+ guild, we are looking for players interested in mythic raiding and high mythic+ keys.

  1. 100% AOTC every tier and push mythic progression at a serious but fun level.
  2. High Priority on pushing mythic+ keys as high as possible (+20s)

Our raid times are Tuesday/Wednesday 7:30-10:30pm PST (10:30pm-1:30am EST)
Optional Sunday Alt Run
Regular guild activity is usually in the evenings/nights daily

Recruitment Needs:

  • Mage, Warlock, Marks/BM
  • Rogue
    High Priority Classes, Open to anything

Discord: Tyrue#1556
Btag: Tyrue#1545

Hey Gangster. We could really use a rogue!

Night Train is an AOTC guild on Area 52. We raid Tues and Thurs 9pm-12am EST. Our current progression is 7/7N, 5/8H. We are also pretty active doing keys and just hanging out. Please add me on bnet if you want to talk - Kymiia#1681.

Howdy doo! Race to World Last is a newly formed guild aimed at obtaining AoTC! We are looking for dedicated raiders with a similar mindset looking to have a good time while still taking down bosses! Our raid times are 8:30-11:00 pm CST (Sargeras, US)! We are currently ⅝ H but looking for more people to help fill out our team before continuing progression! Please pm me or message me on discord if you have any questions!

We had led a guild on Tichondrius before during BFA and SL where we pushed AoTC for BoD and CN respectively, but are trying to put a team together of successful raiders to push for progression in Vault of the Incarnates!

Message Ringo#6078 on Discord or reply to this message if you have any further questions!