396 Ele or 398 Disc

Hello all I have two toons I’m available to raid with. One of them is a 396 Elemental Shaman with a 395 resto spec. The other is a Disc Priest sitting at 398 Ilvl. Due to my current work schedule the only place that would make sense for me would be on an Oceanic server. I’m available at 11:30pm PST any day of the week. Please contact this toon in game if you have a spot open. If I’m not on that character my other characters name is Furiosaa

Hey man i have posted on here for recruitment just before your post. If you would like to get in touch with me on battlenet we need some more dps for our crew.


hey Applejjuice check out felbane and add one of us to btag and we can chat if you want to

Hey Applejjuice we are currently recruiting on Frostmourne [A]. Raid weekends Sat/Sun from 7pm-11pm server time which i believe is 1pm-5pm PST. We are really looking to recruit ranged dps at the moment for our core raid team so if you are interested in joining for a raid this weekend to see if you enjoy our group then let me know. I’m on everyday in the evenings or just message me on bnet at Sephiroth#2825. Gl with your guild search if we ain’t what you are after :slight_smile:

Hello bro,

Esprit (Thaurissan) is a Mythic Raiding Guild that is looking for committed Raiders like yourself to push for Cutting Edge each tier. Drop me a pm in bnet and lets have a chat to explore possibilities!

We would love to have you as either an Ele or Disc. Timing looks good!


[A] Downfall was 3/8M in Uldir, 5/11M in Antorus and 5/9M in Tomb but we have had half of our raid group decide not to come back for the new content so we are looking to fill our roster back up! We are currently 9/9N and 4/9H. We need several DPS and if we can fill our roster back up enough to get back into Mythic we may end up needing a healer or a DPS who is able to fill in as a backup healer.

We have several west coast players but we are on a Central time server (Greymane-Tanaris) and we raid Wed/Thurs/Mon from 10pm to 1am Central time (11-2 EST and 8-11 PST). On off nights we have several people who group up to run M+ keys.

Please feel free to contact me here or in game at Tearz#1300 or an officer: Kaluu#1909, rvutien#1654, Sentinel#12659.

Dropbears are looking for ranged

Checkout the link