395 Holy Priest

Hey there. We are 6/8H looking for more heals on our raid team. We raid Tuesday/ Thursday 730-1030 Est. We are on Bleeding Server Hollow. Active discord and other guild activities. If interested message me at FirePoiGuy#1290

Hi Zift, we are a new guild on Mal’Ganis looking for players that want to raid and do keys. [H][Mal'Ganis] Need I Say More seeking Raiders and M+ players. Message on Disc if you’d like to chat.

Folkvanger- Area 52 is Recruiting, We are 8/8N and 6/8H we raid on Tues,Thur,and Fri from 7:30-10:00pm est. WE are looking for people that want a drama free home. We are do keys as well with people always willing to help others. PST Royal#1730 if u would like to talk more


We are a small group of friends looking to find more friends to form an organized and progressive raid team. We like to Raid/M+ and do some pvp(mostly for fun). We like a 3-day raid schedule. Our preferred raid days and times are as follows. Tues./Wed./Thurs. from 7:30cst-10:30cst. We also have leadership roles to fill for interested and qualified players.


We are just everyday working-class people who have real lives and jobs. But we also enjoy Raiding/M+ and other activities WoW has to offer. We like to hang out with like-minded players and enjoy the company of others during our time in WoW. We aren’t easily offended by off color jokes. We don’t take anything to seriously outside of raid. And most of all we just want to have a ton of fun while playing the game no matter what content we are doing. It’s not a job it’s a video game.


We are serious enough during raids to get the kills we are wanting to achieve. But not so serious we can’t laugh things off during the tough nights or bad pulls. We want to achieve Aotc. And move into progression on mythic content once that is accomplished. We expect our leadership positions as well as our raiders to do the proper research for each fight. Have the proper add-ons. Know you BiS gear. Have proper enchants on your gear. Bring consumables for each and every raid.

Current Progress: 8/8N 4/8H (2nd week as guild group)

Looking for:

Tank: Closed

Resto Druid
Holy Priest

DPS: Open
High Priority Ranged:
Balance Druid

High Priority Melee:

We encourage skilled as well as casual players to join. Also looking for M+ players.

We also offer a guild/discord community so that you can enjoy content with us while not being pressured to change faction/server.

We look forward to speaking to you and answering any questions you may have.


GM/Healing Officer: Borden#11825

Officer/RL: Drty#1552

Dps Officer: DoonieKing#1801

Lets chat in Discord.


Hey! You and your boy would fit perfectly in team 2 if you guys want the spots. Lmk :slight_smile:

You look like you can grill a great hotdog. Booty Bay Hotdogs would love to have you on the line. Omni#9776 on disc

looking for a healer who wants to help us push content would love to chat more. If interested add me on disco fen#1163

Hey Zift,
Added you would love to chat!

Corrupted Intent is a 21+ horde guild on the server Area 52 looking for like minded players to come join us, with an AOTC/Mythic mindset as well as being active in Mythic Plus. Current GM has 15 years of experience as a GM & Officer’s have years of leadership experience as well as AOTC & Mythic Raiding Experience as well as most of our community has AOTC/Mythic experience.


  • Knowledge of class/fights and prepared for the raid
  • Communication
  • 80% attendance & punctuality & accountability for raids
  • Progression Mindset, and a team player, includes ability to take constructive criticism

Raid Days & Times:

Fri & Sat 8-11pm EST
Current Progression 8/8N 6/8H

Healer: High Priority (Disc Priest, Resto Druid, Evoker)
Dps: High Priority- Melee Dps (Enh Shaman, MW Monk, Feral) Ranged (Lock, S Priest, DK, Mage- Arcane/Frost, Boomkin)

**Any and all players that feel they would be a good fit, should apply whether your role/class is listed or not **

Contact Information:
Btag: Aria#13773
Discord: xstarlite#2756

Thank you for your response, but I have a commitment on Wednesday evenings and more that I think about it I will be focusing on only 2 nights per week.
Thank you again

Omni what nights and times do you raid?
Thanks in advance

Lets talk about it on Discord.


We are Tuesday Monday 9-11 est

Hello Zift!

After reading your post I think maybe you might be a good fit for us so I wanted to drop by and tell you a bit about our little family to see if you might be interested in learning more about us. We are a progressively-minded AOTC Alliance guild on Stormrage, that’s currently looking for more players to add to our roster for DragonFlight. We have 2 progression teams to choose from! (Raid times for our teams are in the link I’m including)
I’m including the link to our guild information for you to check out if you find an interest to do, as we do have other things going on throughout the week and plan to be adding to that soon! We have something for everyone! If you are interested in learning more about us or have any questions please be sure to contact me! The best way to reach me is on Discord at Byndi#5161. I hope to hear back from you soon and that you have a great night.

Hi Zift,

Guild: Retaliation
Faction: Alliance
Realm: Earthen Ring (US)
Progression Raids: Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 8:00 PM EST/EDT till 10:00pm EST/EDT
Recruiter Contact: Isego#1586 and/or Carly#1264
We are always recruiting skilled players and players willing to learn regardless of class. We go with a work play hard mentality, where having fun and giving each other a hard time is more important than everything being done perfectly every time.

Retaliation is looking for players who are interested in the following:
Progression (Heroic + Some Mythic) raiding
Mythic+ dungeon progression
Must be 18+ years old
Must use Discord for voice communication during group activities

Who We Are Looking For:
We are looking for players who play for fun, but also take the time to min/max their characters. Since we all have busy lives outside of the game, we are building a community of players that give 110% to maximize their performance.
Successful raiders in our guild are characterized by two things: 1) personality; and 2) type of player. Gear is easy to get, but being a good team player is not. If you are number one on DPS but have a toxic personality, then you won’t be a good fit. Conversely, if you are the nicest person in the world but you always stand in fire, we also can not take you into progression raids.

Guild Expectations:
Invest effort into making sure you understand your class and role in a fight
Demonstrate consistent character progression (login throughout the week)
Be ready to transfer to US-EarthenRing after successful completion of trial.
Have Discord downloaded and working
Prepare throughout the week for boss encounters and follow directions from the raid leader
Dedicated Raid spots require 80% attendance to progression to maintain status
Arrive on time for raids (at least 10-15 minutes early to be invited and travel to the raid location)
Run a 15+ M+ Key with the guild weekly during progression.

How to Apply:
If you are interested in learning more about us, add Isego#1586 or Carly#1264 to your bnet friends list. We look forward to playing with you!

About Us:
Our guild was established in 2007 when we were playing Warhammer Online, and since then we have played various games together, including Guild Wars 2, Rift, SWTOR, Elder Scrolls Online, League of Legends, Heroes of the Storm, and Diablo 3.
Many of us work full-time (average age is 30’s) and can no longer commit to hardcore raiding progression due to out-of-game responsibilities. However, that doesn’t stop us from having fun and clearing content when we are together! Our primary goal is to clear heroic raids and obtain the “Ahead of the Curve” achievement before the next tier of raid content is released. We have achieved every Curve Achievement since WoD. Even though we are on an RP server, we do not participate in RP activities, but members are welcome to on their own.

Hey, we’re here to have fun. We’ve been a community for over 8 years. In WoW, we used to do some mythic raiding. Since then, we’ve decided to chill out and just focus on AotC and M+. We like progression, but we’re chill about it. Everyone makes mistakes so we’re here to learn as a guild and grow together. Together we figure out and fix any mistakes without getting mad at each other. We’re currently around 17 members but want to grow to the 20-25 range.

We’re currently 7/8 Heroic. We probably would do the first 2 bosses on Mythic since they’re easy, but our group is split between a few servers.
• Tuesday 8:30 pm - 11:30 pm Eastern
• Thursday 8:30 pm - 11:30 pm Eastern

Mythic plus dungeons is obvious a very good way to gear up, so we spend a lot of unstructured time doing them as well. We’re most active nightly from 9pm to 2am Eastern.
Our main levels of focus are 16-18, though we typically do a few 20s each week.

What we expect from players
• Know how to play your class/spec. We can provide help with logs and diagnosing problems.
• Come prepared - Enchanted, consumables, etc. Though we don’t folks to pop the most expensive flasks/pots unless you want to.
• Ideally, we’re looking for folks who are high 390s+ item level. We’re gearing up to take down heroic Rasz. Skilled/Motivated folks still welcome.

We’re open to cross server grouping. If you’re interested, ping me here, or on Discord: Jrule4#0243

Hi Zift - We’re creating an AOTC raid team here at Spun, and based on what you’ve said I think you would be a good fit for our team/guild. I’ve posted some details below, but you can also add me on Discord and I can tell you more about our AOTC team, vibe, and goals for Dragonflight :slight_smile: Devonellah#0195

SPUN is a new rapidly growing guild with a friendly and engaging environment! Our mission is to create an atmosphere that allows our team members to take their talent to the next level!

About our AOTC raid team

Our team will be focused on achieving AOTC for Season One. This is a unique opportunity to join a fantastic group of people that will help you grow as a raider and be a part of a fast-growing guild on Stormrage.

Raid Times

Friday: 8:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. EST
Saturday: 8:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. EST

Click here to view our recruitment post on the wow forum.

Hi there, I think our guild could be a good fit for you. We are a group of close friends that just started recruiting for raid progression. Here’s a little about us:

Out of Our League was formed in BFA season 4. We have primarily focused on m+ (we were doing 20+ keys in Shadowlands and we have KSM in DF season 1). We’re now looking to get more serious about raiding and hope to become an aotc guild and eventually push into mythic.

We run on Thursdays and Saturdays from 8:30 - 11 pm est. We are recruiting healers and DPS. We expect regular raid attendance but are all adults with families, jobs, kids, etc. and understand that real life stuff comes up sometimes. We don’t have specific requirements but we are seeking experienced, geared players who are prepared to jump into heroic progression. And most importantly, we expect everyone to have a positive attitude and not be toxic.

We don’t require immediate server transfer or guild membership if you want to run with us – we have a parallel community for cross-realm and cross-faction play. Reach out to me on Discord at Ellesar#6760 if you’re interested!

Folkvanger- Area 52 is Recruiting, we are 8/8N and 6/8H we raid on Tues,Thur,and Fri from 7:30-10:00pm est. WE are looking for people that want a drama free home. We are always doing keys as well with people always willing to help others. PST Royal#1730 if u would like to talk more.

Thanks to everyone who replied to my post. I have found a great home. Thanks once again and good luck