395 Boomy looking for a semi casual Raiding guild

Hi Marzak,

Come check us out to see if we’d be a good fit for you!


House of Zug: Tues/Thurs (8:30-12:00 am EST) Heroic Raiding Guild

Who we are: We’re a two night progression guild that’s been raiding since 2011 on US-Area 52. Most are professionals of some sort, who appreciate everyone’s time but want to get things done. Have yet to miss an AOTC, and have numerous members willing/capable of handling 10+ Mythic dungeons.

Check us out at www.houseofzug.com or contact us on bnet Atian#1526 or Direglaive#2356 in discord.


Extraordinary Raiders. Real Progression. Casual Schedule.

House of Zug (est. May 24, 2011) is a progression-focused Warcraft raiding guild, operating within a two-night weekly schedule. We offer efficient, fun progression to professionals, students, and parents with exceptional skills and limited gaming availability.

House of Zug has raided uninterrupted since establishment and maintains the highest standards of professionalism and transparency. Our officers are real-life managers and professionals who volunteer their exceptional leadership skills to deliver a fun, mature, and productive gameplay experience for our members.

Please visit our website to see the dedication and passion of our community.

Website: www.houseofzug.com

Contact: Atian#1526 Direglaive#2356 in discord or Scryed#1908

Realm: US-Area 52 (PVE)

Faction: Horde

Timezone: US-East Coast

Raid Times: Tuesdays & Thursdays. 8:15 PM - 12:00 AM (Eastern)

Check out our recruitment video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqjCCTHGa6s&feature=youtu.be



Even though we are progression focused, House of Zug is a relaxed and fun-loving community. We work together to improve and accept fair and respectful criticism when appropriate. We love to joke during farm content, but during progression, expect clear, calm, and direct communication. Member age is roughly 25 to 45—many of whom have families and full-time careers outside of the guild.


House of Zug believes in a shared approach to raiding. Our members actively participate in events and community discussions and work with the raid leaders both inside and outside of raiding to form and improve upon our tactics. Our guild forums are heavily utilized, and all members are encouraged to take up leadership roles within the community. ​


House of Zug is a long-standing guild that has run uninterrupted since inception. We enjoy extremely low turnover, and our members rarely burnout due to our lightweight schedule. We respect your time by always starting and ending raids according to schedule. ​​


House of Zug fits a perfect niche in the raiding community. As a two-night guild, we attract many top-tier players who cannot commit to the unforgiving schedule of a server-first raid team. Moreover, as a flexible guild, our members do not have to feel like they are letting down their team by missing a raid night every once in awhile.


We treat Warcraft like a sport. Sports are games and should be fun. However, they also require discipline and teamwork. Although we only raid seven hours per week, we give 100% during that window. Raids are well-paced and efficient. Our raiders understand that their responsibility to the team stems beyond raid times.


Our website and forums are dedicated to providing raiders the resources necessary to take their game-play to the next level. When the officers give feedback, it is specific and factually-based. House of Zug prioritizes improvement and attitude above all else and promotes a culture that rewards mechanics over out-of-context meters.


House of Zug never rejects members based on raid performance, gear, or skill–only attitude. Any applicant who shares our values and vision is a welcome member of House of Zug. If an applicant does not currently meet the requirements to raid with the Progression Team, our officers will work with him or her to outline the specific areas for improvement needed to participate in high-end raids. If you are willing to put in the work, you will eventually make the team!


We respect the time, diversity, and integrity of every player and will not tolerate those who do not. Our officers combine over 25-years guild and raid leadership to bring you the best possible gaming experience which does NOT include yelling, name-calling, or other non constructive forms of communication. ​


House of Zug runs a transparent guild. Every policy, action, system, and event is clearly posted on the website. Upcoming and changing policies are discussed in our Guild News feed and posted to discord & our website.

Visit Our Website to learn more


We sound like we could be a fit for you. Here is a little snippet you can review and if you have any questions please feel free to add me.



<Wardens Tyranny> Turalyon – US is recruiting all DPS classes and potentially a healer with DPS OS. We are a non-hardcore raiding guild focused on Mythic dungeons, helping others gear, and non-hardcore raiding (Non Mythic focused). 6/9 H BoD

Raid Times 2 days a week

Tuesday 8-11 PM EST

Thursday 8-11 PM EST


Meters Over Everything are newly formed guild looking to recruit the following classes and roles. Raid times are 8:30-1130PM EST Tueday/Friday.

DK (Any)
Shadow Priest
Ret Paladin
Boomkin, Resto Druid
Shaman Dps/Resto Shaman
Mage Any specs
Demon Hunter
Monk Any

If you have strong situational awareness, know your class , and enjoy raiding in a friendly environment, then we might be the place for you! Feel free to contact Dojawar (djcipher#1336), Charlie (Charlie#13641 or Discord Snap#6504).

About us:
Meters over Everything started with a group of IRL friends looking to extend our group through WoW. MOE guild members treat each other with respect, and in doing so, earn it. Starting from the raid leader down to casual members, you can expect a respectful, fun, and collected demeanor environment at all times. If you are the type of person to link meters and rage at your team members during progression, M+, or any other then this guild is NOT for you. If you thrive with a bit of constructive criticism and understand that raiding takes a whole team, not just one elite team member, then we want YOU. We are very lenient with attendance, if you can show up to raid great if you can’t, that’s fine. At the end of the day this is just a game and we just want to have fun. If you decide you want to raid, we expect you to come prepare with consumables, boss encounter knowledge, etc. If we feel you’re not putting in enough effort, officers, raiders, anyone will be benched. We want to have fun but at the same time keep the competitive edge with us at all times, no one will be getting carried through current progression.

Current Guild progression with new roster began 2/7/19, currently have completed 1/9M 9/9H 9/9N. We will be looking to clear this tier on heroic and aim to down some bosses in Mythic difficulty before next tier release.

During none raiding nights, we do M+ keys, islands, alt runs, our members will be more than happy to help out with gearing. We also welcome anyone who would like to join as a casual and participate in M+, islands, alt runs.

If this sounds like the type of environment you would like to be part of add us and send us a message.

Looking for a boomy for our raids! Check us out! We’re not on Hyjal but figured I’d reply in case you would consider transferring to Thrall. We raid Monday and Wednesday. Always wanting more people to push mythic+ with!
Contact me at bnet Moonpie#1732