Ninja Looters Is a semi-hardcore raiding guild on Proudmoore (Alliance). Our goal is to obtain AotC in a timely fashion and to push into mythic content. We raid Tue/Wed 8-11pm PST, with an optional normal/achieve run on Thur 8-11pm PST. We run a loot council system were gear is voted on by the officer core. We expect our raiders to have a general idea of the fights at hand, keep up with their characters progression, and preform well. We like to joke around and have fun while killing trash or after a boss kill, but during progression we are pretty serious. If you can’t take a joke or constructive criticism this probably isn’t going to be the place for you.
Currently we are 8/8N & 5/8H.
We have immediate needs for the following classes/specs:
Mage (any spec)
Evoker (any spec)
If your class and spec is not listed please still feel free to reach out as we are always looking for competitive players
If you think Ninja Looters might be a good fit for you please reach out to one of the following people:
Raid-Leader: Cokenopepsi#1236 (btag)
Recruiter: Lonez
Discord: Lone#1301
Bnet: Lone#11453