395 7/8H Boomkin lf guild

anyone trying to run keys this weekend?

Hey Larry,

Might have a fit for you on A52 with Team Røcket.
T/Th raid 9-12pm est, CE goal, great and active community.

Send me a message on bnet or discord if you want to know more!
Bnet: chriv#1186
Discord: chriv#5263

got everyone added!

If your still looking check us out!

Added everyone.

Anyone wanna do keys?

Hello Larrylurker!

I thought maybe you might be a good fit for us so I wanted to drop by and tell you a bit about our little family! We are a progressively-minded AOTC Alliance guild on Stormrage, that’s currently looking for more players to add to our roster for DragonFlight. We raid on Fri-Sat nights from 9:30-12:30 EST. With an optional/Alt raid on thursdays at the same time.
I’m including the link to our guild information for you to check out if you find an interest to do, as we do have other things going on throughout the week and plan to be adding to that soon! If you are interested in learning more about us or have any questions please be sure to contact me! The best way to reach me is on Discord at Byndi#5161. I hope to hear back from you soon and that you have a great night!

who doin what tonight?

Add me on BNET, wanna run with us tonight?


Hey there. If you’re still looking for a guild add me on discord and let’s chat! Danimal#2450

Hi Larry,

I’m recruiting for Rally (Alliance/Dalaran) and l we have a team that you may be interested in. We’re a mythic two-day progression team that raids Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8pm EST to 11pm EST. We’re 2/8M, 7/8H after taking a pretty relaxed approach over the holidays. The vibe is our own pretty chill brand of wholesome degenerates who meme around a lot outside raid hours with a heavy emphasis on prep and focus since we only raid the six hours a week.

Rally as a guild has been around for over 6 years. We’ve got three raid teams, a large, very active m+ community of keys all the way up to the high teens, a pretty social discord (if that’s your thing), alt raids and casual PVP. Blast a few other games as well on the side. If I’ve caught your interest you can find out more at https://www.rallyguild.io or feel free to hit me up on disc (Val#8205).

In any case, GL in the search and hopefully chat with ya soon!

Standard spam:
Guild & Server: Rally [A] Dalaran
Team: Truffle Hogs
Raid Times/Days: Tuesday and Thursday, 8:00 - 11:00PM EST
Current Progression: 2/8M, 7/8H VotI; 9/10M CN (went on hiatus/casual, returning as a M prog team for DF) ; CE Argus + All of BFA
Recruitment Contact: Val#8205
Website: https://www.rallyguild.io/
Raider.IO: https://raider.io/guilds/us/dalaran/Rally
Requirements: Mature, responsible players with a great attitude looking for a community home.
Needs: A healer; resto sham or Hpal prefer but performance & fit are deciding factors; Any Ranged DPS but Mage/Lock Pref
Vibe: Adults who have a unique blend of wholesome degeneracy who game together in a hilarious, non-toxic environment. Large emphasis on performance and prep for raids.

Hey Larry! 7/8H!

Is a AoTc/Mythic focused guild that is currently reforming for Vaults and beyond. Our core raid team has played together for 2 expansions with our raid leader leading multiple CE guilds and is eager to continue in DF starting with Vaults. We currently have open recruitment so any exceptional players feel free to reach out, and if you are looking to just get into raiding don’t be afraid please feel free to reach out!

Main Team Raid Days:
Wednesday 7-10 EST
Friday 7-10 EST

Recruiting all classes and roles!

Please feel free to reach out and chat!
Bnet: Wishkins#1359
Discord: Spex4wild#4587

Let’s chat.

Discord: Ehlissa#9836

Let’s chat!

Fragment 8/8N 4/8H VoTI is currently looking for a couple skilled players interested in Mythic raiding in Dragonflight. The ultimate goal of this SEMI-HARDCORE raiding guild is to steadily PROGRESS as far into each tier as possible while having FUN playing with each other.


We have a mature crowd, with the majority of ages ranging 25-35+. Since most of us are older now, we don’t have the time, nor do we care to invest 16+ hours of raid every week. With that said we expect a high raid attendance, after all its only 2 nights a week. HOWEVER, we strive to be competitive and be the best 2 night/6 hour guild we can be. With the reintroduction of Group Loot the raid will determine loot through a council. We are not looking for people that are condescending, elitists, loot-driven or cause drama as that detracts from the fun of the raid.

We recruit based upon your personality and attitude, but we are still performance and attendance based. This means your spot within the raid is dependent on how you perform, how often you miss raids and most importantly, how well you mesh with everyone in the guild. We tolerate zero drama. This has always been a core attribute of our guild. We value our environment as a guild group to be fun, yet laid back. We value our community as whole, during and outside of raid; we encourage people to hangout in discord whenever they want.


We are looking for exceptional players that understand their class and are capable of following directions when told to do so. Gemmed and enchanted gear is an absolute must; applicants are first looked at through the armory so please log out in your PvE gear. With that being said, the current classes are in demand but all exceptional players are encouraged to apply:

Currently looking for:


Melee DPS

Ranged DPS
Balance Druid

Preservation Evoker
Disc w/ Shadow OS

Raid Times
Tues/Weds 8pm-11pm EST
Optional Sunday Alt Run 8pm-11pm EST


Hello Larrylurker
Our raid times fit with what your looking for with both teams raiding tues wed thurs and early team starts @ 8:30 ST we are located on [A] US-Sargeras 7/8N 5/8H looking to push into Mythic with a solid team if your interested @Hotshot54#1859 drop me a line in game

Yo Larry!

We could use a boomie in our squad. Primarily raiding sat/sun 8pm CST. We smash out keys and normal all throughout the week. feel free to stop in and chat if you wanna know more, or smash a few keys!



Hi Larry,

My name is Dille and I am the GM of Falkor. We are consider ourselves the Mythic Raider retirement community. We raid F/S 8-11 pm Est on Stormrage - Alliance.

We are looking for experienced players wanting to push AOTC and some Mythic Raiding. In a relaxed no drama environment.

If you are interested DM in discord - Dille#2417

Got everyone added!

Send me a message on discord and let’s chat! Danimal#2450

anyone wanna push some keys this weekend?

Ninja Looters Is a semi-hardcore raiding guild on Proudmoore (Alliance). Our goal is to obtain AotC in a timely fashion and to push into mythic content. We raid Tue/Wed 8-11pm PST, with an optional normal/achieve run on Thur 8-11pm PST. We run a loot council system were gear is voted on by the officer core. We expect our raiders to have a general idea of the fights at hand, keep up with their characters progression, and preform well. We like to joke around and have fun while killing trash or after a boss kill, but during progression we are pretty serious. If you can’t take a joke or constructive criticism this probably isn’t going to be the place for you.

Currently we are 8/8N & 5/8H.

We have immediate needs for the following classes/specs:
Mage (any spec)
Evoker (any spec)

If your class and spec is not listed please still feel free to reach out as we are always looking for competitive players

If you think Ninja Looters might be a good fit for you please reach out to one of the following people:

Raid-Leader: Cokenopepsi#1236 (btag)
Recruiter: Lonez
Discord: Lone#1301
Bnet: Lone#11453