395/400 Item Level Emissaries: Yes please

Wrong. Rewards don’t match the relative difficulty. If Mythic is too hard, do Heroic. If Heroic is too hard, do Normal.

You don’t need Heroic raid gear to tackle World Quests.


I think you have someone else to address before saying that.

Raiding is optional and fun.

Raiding is not “hard content or die”. There are 4 different difficulties to it.

Nothing about raiding is the “e sports route”. There is no raiding e-sports scene.


Raiding and M+ are a lot alike.

I.E, they still remain the best ways to get gear.

Getting 395/400 from Emissaries will not hurt you.


Changes absolutely nothing I said.

I don’t know why you are wanting to completely go off in a completely different topic and not once reference anything I actually said.

But since we are now talking about an entirely new topic, I will respond to the words you are saying.

It won’t hurt me, because I raid mythic. It will hurt people that raid heroic. It will hurt people that want to transition their guild from heroic to mythic. Less people will want to raid heroic. Because…why bother?

It will hurt WoW as a whole. Sorry. Trivial “i cant fail” gear should not reward heroic tier quality gear as fast as it will.


It’s kinda the topic of the OP, the 395/400 Emissary gear.

No. Rewards not matching the fun/difficulty are what’s killing WoW, not enabling people to do more with their characters than they could before due to scaling being reduced per item level.

Oh. Surprise surprise. President Hard Content or Die’s intended audience is defending him.

He wasn’t my President in 2016, and I’m glad Impeachment of both Hard Content or Die’s plans is soon.

WQ’s are the future. They could replace JP/VP if done right.

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Is this a threat? :thinking:

No worries though, even shills have opinions. :slight_smile:


Why stop at WQs?

Just make a vendor that sells 400 gear.

Why stop at 400? Have this vendor sell mythic raiding gear for 1 gold.

I am not “hard content or die”. I have never been “hard content or die”. Please stop making stuff up about me.

I am “content for all skill levels, with rewards appropriate to time involvement and difficulty”

The easiest content should not give some of the best rewards.


Then quit opposing me. I’ll stop slandering you if you stop for me.

Because Gurthix’s thread was 404’d, I’ll reiterate.

The hardest content should only give cosmetic rewards. That’s all.


So you will stop slandering me if I stop disagreeing with you?



This is all I want; really, that’s it.

Plus, if we want solo content to be an alternative gear route, then we’ll need MOP-style legendary questlines. It doesn’t have to be legendary ofc, some of the WOTLK questlines offered awesome rewards. One-time rewards for big quests are totally fine.


To me this is BfAs biggest failure. It has completely gutted reward vs difficulty.


Something tells me you botted your likes.

As getting 3 in a heartbeat is not right.

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Its actually incredibly easy to tell. Takes about 14 seconds.

Edit: For clarification, You can check account wide achievements, mounts, pets.


Now see, this is better than telling me I’m wrong.

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I agree and must say you need a girl or a guy, maybe a dog. Build puzzles, macrame, grow a plant, step out and breathe the fresh air. :grin:

. . . except 8.2 only just went up on the PTR. 8.2 is probably months away. Its definitely not releasing anytime soon. So I don’t see the increase being invalidated in the near future.


It’s not about what you “can” do, it’s about what you actually do, and the difficulty of the content that you’re doing. If you have a PhD but are unemployed and are receiving food stamps from the government, that’s still welfare.


You have some nerve causing the next recession.

Your “President” is proposing Social Security/similar service cuts.


Yeah, he’s not “mine” lol.

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