388 Resto Druid 7/8M Uldir LF M BoD Guild

Before I go any further I would like to explain my situation. Unfortunately I have not been able to raid this tier due to getting reassigned in the military to Alaska. Because of this the times with my current guild no longer work for me.

I had to stop raiding in December when the movers picked up my pc. I just got my PC back on monday this week which is why I have not been able to provide logs (the struggle to pug without AOTC is real folks).

I am looking for a Mythic Progression team that raids at 9pm est or later.

I would prefer a guild on Area-52, as my financial situation is not fantastic at the moment (I can’t afford to transfer back and forth if it doesn’t work out).

I main restoration druid and would prefer to heal, however, and only if it is absolutely necessary, I can offspec boomkin (azerite reforges get expensive with a quickness).

I consider myself a pretty solid healer that is able to adapt to situations on the fly. I own up to my mistakes and do what I can to not make the same one twice. I research fights prior to engaging them. I go over my logs to see where I can improve and if for whatever reason I don’t understand something, I go out of my way to find an expert to help me understand it.

I am not a raid logger. One of my favorite things to do in the game is run keys and try to push io score. If I am online, I am either doing my dailies or running keys with some friends.

I like to joke around and have a good time, though it does take me some time to open up to new people.

If I sound like the type of person you want in your team, add me:
Bnet- ItzClavell#1125
Discord- ZayZay#0653

Sent you a disco message- lmk if you want to chat
i’ll also post about our guild here, sounds like we’re on the same page, and we’re looking for players that have the same mindset/ goals.


<CRUX> Is a Horde raiding Guild on Tichondrius. We are a mature group of friendly players from coast to coast, and overseas making our atmosphere very unique. Censorship of adult content is not something we worry about, in fact it is indeed common and maybe even a little encouraged. Although our backbone is our raid team, our guild is compromised of players from all skill levels and interests.

We are proud to have an exceptional community. A large portion of our guild members are online daily, doing things ranging from dailies, m+, alt runs, or even other games. Players in our guild are always happy and willing to help each other out, and our Discord is always actively sharing politically incorrect banter.


We expect all players to remain humble, mature and motivated. We are committed to taking as many as possible to the progression fights, and our officers are live-logging each fight to evaluate data, and give constructive criticism. All raiders will start out as trials. Communication, motivation and attendance are super important to the composition of a solid team.

WE EXPECT TO SEE FULL ATTENDANCE! Be Punctual, and come prepared! However, we do believe RL comes first and understand it can strike at any time, If this is the case, simply communicate with an officer. We will require that you come to raid fully gemmed and enchanted, with the appropriate gear, talents, proper food buffs, class competency and raid awareness. If you have any questions, Just ask!


We are currently 8/8Normal, and 4/8Heroic BoD

Nighthold, Tomb, Antorus, and Uldir AOTC.


We raid Tuesday/ Weednesday/ Thursday from 9:30pm to 12:30am PST Fridays is an optional gathering night for raid-wide M+ to assure everyone has the weekly chest


Recruiting officer- Druuid (Druuid#0157)

GM- Howard ( Howard#0110 )

Officer - Kabish (Barbalion#4031)

Raid leader - Clawmedaddy (Claw#7717)

4/25 with Ft. Rich or the legs up north at Wainwright?

Regardless, Mistakes Were Made is looking for a druid. We raid M/W/Thu at 10pm-1230am Pacific. We are, unfortunately, on Proudmoore and alliance, but we do have a horde guild on Area 52 that I think is recruiting still.

If you are interested, please take a look at [A] <Mistakes Were Made>9/9H 4/9M BOD M/W/Th 10-1230 late night raid

Or ping me directly at bnet NoSoulStones #1778 or discord Kickedpuppy#2561