386Hpal&Mage LF guild!

lemme see them guilds

Hey there I’m looking to make a guild because it’s extremely hard to find one that needs a tank. I’m looking for raid days to be 11:30p-2a Tue, Wed, and Thu these will be Eastern time zones. Bnet is Uther7052#1213 if you want to chat…

I’ve probably missed the boat with you guys but if you are still looking for a home we would be interested in chatting with you. It’s not often we find raiders that can do early evening :slight_smile:

Winter Shadow is a Horde guild on the realm of Ysera. The guild was formed in February 2013 and began raiding later that month. We’ve achieved a lot in a short time due to the dedication and faith of our members.

Raiding Details:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
6:30pm - 9:30pm EST

Tier 21: 10/11M ABT

Tier 22: 8/8H 6/8M Uldir

We are currently recruiting reliable DPS and Healer for our roster.

Add one of our officer’s BattleTags (listed at the bottom of this post) if you have any questions.

If you don’t see your class listed it doesn’t mean we wouldn’t be interested in talking to you about raiding with us! Hit us up and we’ll chat.

Please see our website http://wintershadow.net for guild details. We will always welcome compatible people as casual players as well. We enjoy raiding, dungeons, PvP, and leveling alts together.

Progression without aggression is our motto. That means learning from mistakes with theorycrafting to get over humps and constructive criticism WITHOUT the rage. This is a game and we play to have fun! If you are looking for hardcore we are not the guild for you. We aim high without the craziness of pushing ourselves to the brink. For us, this game should be enjoyable and challenging.

Feel free to get in touch with either Kindredlies (kindredlies#1591) or Bushbaby (bushbaby#1830), or apply at http://wintershadow.net

Hey Annadote,

I think < Style > could be the guild for you.

< Style > is an Alliance raiding guild on Proudmoore. We’re a newer guild, with Uldir being our first tier as a Mythic team. We’re 8/8H and 3/8M Uldir, with many veteran raiders who have prior Mythic experience and Cutting Edge progression. Our core team is immensely solid, and we’re looking for more motivated and self-starting raiders who strive to put their abilities to the test. We’re aiming to achieve Cutting Edge as a guild during this expansion, hopefully this tier. Outside of raiding, we often do M+ keys and other assorted content, including things like island expeditions and achievement runs.

Raid Times:
6PM-9PM PST (9-12 EST)

Potential Raid Needs:

►Warlock (Any Spec)
►Mage (Any Spec)
►Shadow or Disc Priest
►Windwalker or Brewmaster Monk
►Demon Hunter (Any Spec)
►Blood Death Knight
►Restoration or Balance Druid
►Restoration Shaman

Requirements & Expectations:

►Your Heart of Azeroth must be at 36 or higher prior to the release of Dazar’alor.
Addons: Exorsus Raid Tools, WeakAuras, DBM/Bigwigs
►At least an 80% attendance for mandatory raids.
►Make sure you’re doing your weekly content (Complete your weekly chest, Islands, WQs etc)
►Prior raiding experience (preferably Mythic)
►Working mic/ability to call out important details in Discord
►Ability to listen to instructions/constructive criticism

Bnet contact: Whammy#11753

I think you’d be a good fit for us. should we not meet your needs, I wish you the best of luck in your search for a raiding team.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

<Mental Alacrity>, horde, Area52.

★ We are semi-hardcore 2 day raiding guild.
★ We raid tuesday and Thursday 9PM EST to 12AM EST, invites at 845pm

we are looking for players who:

★ are eager to use their talents to support their team and tackle content

★ mythic experience preferred, however not required

★ take raid time seriously; They know the ins and outs of their class and each boss encounter.

★ who treat others with dignity and respect

★ have a good sense of humor

if you possess the mental alacrity to stand up to the task, please reach out to any of the following for additional information or an interview:

★ lunanyte - luna#14515 - gm
★ illuminatus – illuminatus#1347 - gm
★ batteryninja#1624 - officer