384 Resto Druid and 380 Ele Shaman players LF new home

I’ll keep it short and sweet.
Prog: 6/8M (Reclearing through Zul each week, potentially see a Mythrax kill this weekend)
Faction & Server: [H] Zul’jin
Days & Times: SAT/SUN 8pm-12am EST (Server Time)

Please apply: h ttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdWPkui-OeRu7IeYwJcjrMlMwEzPmSP9CfR_AmOUuGq2bP1MA/viewform

For any additional questions contact:

Mambo#11837 - Btag
Chi#5412 - Discord

Any additional info can be found below: