Hi Mustosele,
We are cutting edge 8/8 Mythic, raid times 9:30 PM to 1 AM, Tues / Wed / Thurs, Pacific Time. That’s 12:30 AM to 4 AM Eastern, which is within your preferred range.
With roots stretching back to Wrath of the Lich King, we are a late-night guild that started as a refuge for older players with young children. That’s why we raid later, after the kids are in bed.
We’re very focused on community and people, and having a harmonious team where everyone gets along, while still pulling the numbers we need to progress in Mythic raiding. The guild is run in an open, non-hierarchical, consensus basis. Everything is done in the open and decided on by the whole team.
If you want to learn a little more, check out our main thread, here:
‘9:30 PST 8/8 Mythic LF DPS late night’
If you’re interested, please contact us on bnet:
My discord, if you prefer: Tewa#3476
Hope to hear from your soon!