382 BM Monk LF Tu/Th team

Hey there, I’m looking for a team to raid with casually on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Progression isn’t an issue, I’m just looking to have some fun.
Btag is Slate#11972

Hey Abby,

First let me ask you, how do you feel about being in a guild called “Irish Love Couch”? I know its great huh? Second let me ask are you tired of the drama? Just want to log in and sit back with some friends? Yeah me too, that’s why we created Irish Love Couch.

*** We Casually Raid Normal/Heroic with the intention of earning our AOTC each tier. Raid times are Wed/Thurs 8-11 PM EST ***

*** Run M+ regularly throughout the week ***

*** Scheduled guild events such as Fun Runs on most Saturday nights***

*** Old Raid/Dungeon transmog/mount/achievement runs***

So, if you’re looking for a new home feel free to hit me up at your earliest convenience :blush:You can reach me on Battlenet at Gr4b0#1222 or on Discord at Matt#6783.

If interested in our recruitment page here is the link to that as well :blush:

Hope to hear from you soon! :smiley:

Hi Abby! I think you’d enjoy the Drifters atmosphere. You’ll more often find us in Discord chatting than in gchat. We have fun raiding each tier, but have fun outside of raids as well.

Check us out and contact me if you want to chat or have more questions.
Alleykatabra – MoBacon#11957 / Discord - AlleyKat#0036