381 2/8 M BM Hunter Lf Guild

Zenith came together in March of 2018 with the goal of creating a highly competitive, but non-toxic raiding environment. We aim to produce an enjoyable raiding experience, while using our time as efficiently as possible. Our leadership is pro-active in making decisions that move us towards our goals. Our long-term goal is to one day compete in the world race. To fit our distant goal, we have created a timeline of goals to meet each tier. For more details on these goals you will have to visit our website.

Website: Zenithguild.gg

Raid Times: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9pm - 1am EST (optional fun, sale, heroic clear on Sunday same time)

Apply to Zenith if the following is true:

-You want to progress effectively and efficiently
-You want to enjoy the players you raid with
-You do not like or contribute to toxic environments
-You enjoy leadership that thinks proactively
-You enjoy being part of a friendly community
-You enjoy optimizing your character as much as you can
-You put in time to improve your performance
-You put in time to research encounters
-You can take constructive criticism in a positive manner
-You can pick up a class and master it quickly
-You own a microphone and can clearly communicate

Recruitment Contacts:


Keep it short and straight to the point. Combined general information about us.

Oh, of course, that we are 4/8 mythic.

Recruiting the follow:

High Priority: Mage (All specs), Rogue (Sub/Assassination), Hunter (BM/MM), Priest (Holy), Monk (Mistweaver)

Medium Priority(Not bad if we get them): Shadow Priest, Warlock (All specs), Monk (Brewmaster), Paladin (Protection), Shaman (Elemental)

Hey Fadhbm
We would love to talk to you and see if we can get you to join a awesome group of folks we. We have room for a Great Hunter! Contact us on Bnet !

Faceroll on Arthas [H] is a 2-day weekend raiding guild that is looking for individuals who are interested in pushing Mythic raid content for CUTTING EDGE while still enjoying our time. We’re looking for any roles and so long as you can play you’re spec competently you’re welcome here! We urge anyone who is interested to add our BTags and talk!

About The Guild

We’ve been around since Cataclysm and have cleared several hard-mode raids during current content. Our goal is to push as far as we can while surrounding ourselves with players who we enjoy the company of. Our leaders have experience with US Top 100 raiding.

Raid Schedule

Friday : 10pm - 1:30am EST

Saturday : 10pm - 1:30am EST

Current Progression


Normal: 8/8

Heroic: 8/8

Mythic: 2/8 (15% Zek)

Current Needs

DPS - [High] Rogues/DH/Locks/BOOMKIN!!! But we will consider and take others as well based on preformance!

Healer -[High] Will consider DPS with a solid healer offspec.

Tanks -Low but will consider adding another Tank W possible DPS offspec


Sounds like something you’re interested in? Feel free to add any of our officers and we’ll chat. No realm transfer is required until 8.1 mythic SoZ drops!

Healofsteel [Guild / Raid Leader] - Sauron#1367

Blackstool [Guild Co-Leader] - Blackstool#1408

Crouching [Guild Officer] - Daniel#1124