380 Warlock LF raiding guild

Dunning Kruger is a guild that started at the launch of legion. We’re looking for a few more exceptional and committed raiders who take the Guild name to heart.

Raid Info:
Goal: Cutting edge before 8.1
Raid Times: Thurs/Sun 8-11pm SVT
Mythic+/Alt runs on off days aswell as the occasional RBG.

Dunning Kruger is a team founded by group of like-minded raiders who are looking to build a progression-oriented core roster of players with the common goal of clearing mythic content while it’s still relevant. If you’re a player with current mythic experience, a player that feels they’ve outgrown Heroic content, or a former hardcore raider that’s to go too a chilled environment but progress with Mythic content, then Dunning Kruger is the home for you.

What we require:

Knowledge of your Class/ Role
Don’t be Toxic
Be prepared every raid
Participation in strategy discussion and encounter research
Positive attitude and presence (we want to keep it fun)
Patience as we build our roster
Be prepared to be sat due fight requirements

Current Needs:

Tank(Priority): ANY
Healers: MW, HPAL
RDPS: Lock, Mage
MDPS: Rogue


How to Apply:
Message one of the officers in-game to have a chat. Lightvos, Nojwons, Plasterd, Bigzdk, Montury


Disc: Lightvos#1026
Bnet: Fullmetal#1695

Hello there! We are currently seeking a warlock for our Mythic raiding team. Read our guild blurb below and let me know what you think!

[A] Frostmourne is a semi-hardcore mythic guild recruiting for 8.1.5 and beyond. We are a new guild of previous Mythic raiders 5/8M.

We are looking to raid for core progression on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays from 7pm - 10pm. We are recruiting for all classes, and are looking for people who are dedicated, willing to learn and who know how to have fun.

While we are recruiting for all classes, we looking for Vengeance DH, Brewmaster Monk and Protection Warrior (all with dps off specs preferably); a Mage and a Warlock in particular.

Currently we are running twice weekly trials for our Mythic raiding team.

PM me on Bnet Cassie#1248 or discord Cassie#4918 for any questions :slight_smile: