379 3/8M Disc/Holy priest LF raid

I’ve also spent a couple days on fetid. Had a zero percent wipe on Zul. I’d prefer an older group 30+ if possible. I’m available any/all night. The later the better. I’ve been world top 300 in the past on a paladin. Staying Disc/Holy but if I get into a group I like I’ll look at going shadow long term if it’s best for the group.


Hello, i would like for you to join us. On avg, we are mid 20’s so it is below your preference. We raid on Sat-Sun 7:30 - 10:30 pm pst(realm) time.

Thanks for the response but I’m looking to get back into cutting edge raiding.

We are looking for a Priest/Heal Spot Available, CE Mythic Raiding Guild <Concept>, check us out. If you like what you see and hear, lets chat!