Do Blizzard Customers Have The Ability To Report Employee Bad Behavior?

Community Mangers are often are welcome in Blizzards customers posts. What happens when a community manger abuses their authority to edit customers posts without cause? Blizzard dose not currently make it easy for its customers to report employee misconduct. This is a major oversight by top brass within Blizzard. While one can understand giving Community Mangers the ability to censure parts or whole post by their customers. However, Blizzard needs a way for customers to appeal and report blatant abuses. All employers have guidelines for their customer services in how those employees interact with their customers. What happens when a Blizzard employee violates those guidelines and who is monitoring the monitors? Customers are often the last line of defense for a large corporation on employee misconduct. Who better to know they have been aggrieved than the customers themselves.

All commutation mangers should be required to have public profile. If these mangers are given the authority to edit or remove and commit on post, customers should know to whom they talking to. Within the profile should be a clear way of reporting that employee.

Thinking no customers would ever have a legitimate grievances with how a situation is being handle or blatant miss use is sort side; for it only takes one major issue to blow into a full PR nightmare.


It’s actually really easy to report them but I take it you want to incite instead.


Really its not nor is clear on the employee involved. You get a made up handle with a hidden profile. That is no conducive to proper reporting of employee misconduct.

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My Spidey sense is telling me that this is one of these “There’s more to this story …” threads!


Yep, and I thought today was going to be quiet.

FYI, they can’t “abuse their authority to edit a post.” Because they have 100% authority to do so.

We agreed to certain things to post here. One of those things is that Blizzard gets to do whatever they want with what we post. Including deleting and editing.


Tseric 2.0?

This isn’t going to end well.

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Their forums, their rules.

If you have a legitimate grievance, call or email them directly. But moderators are allowed to edit and moderate the forums.


Community Managers are rarely the ones doing the editing. It is usually the Forum Moderation team removing things like profanity, name calling, or harassment, that violate the forum Code of Conduct.

If a post gets edited, it is a very gentle reminder to please follow the rules. They could instead delete the post, delete the thread, and/or suspend you for it.

As for reporting a CM - you can using the email Crepe provided. However, they are doing nothing wrong by editing posts that violate the rules.

To appeal a forum action put in a ticket


I was thinking along the lines of a “I want to speak to your manager” soccer mom moments.


first amendment still applies to public forums.

And that haircut, they actually have the can I speak to your manager cut in SwToR, they need to put it in Wow, then I will start posting on one of my human locks with it.

No. It does not.

If you’re going to claim your rights? You should at least understand what they are.


If you have an issue with your posts, you can contact CS about here.

In reading your post, I get the sense that you are applying your personal standards to something that’s not yours to apply it to.

Repeating themes of oversight by the brass when perhaps it was they who set forth the policies the CMs are following; abuse by censorship when you have no such protections here; blantant misuse of power when they have the power to do what they wish here.

In the same way I can set the rules and control how and what you say on my property, and remove you if you can’t obey me, Bliz can do so on theirs.

No it doesn’t


Obligatory these are not public forums, they are privately owned by Blizzard post.

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This got me interested enough to google the reference. Fascinating story that was about 3 years before my time. I’m sorry I missed it. It’s a cautionary tale that’s still just as true today!

And that’s the thread folks, thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day.


Sorry you don’t know your rights, court have ruled that online speech is protected.

No it doesn’t. and these aren’t public forums, they’re private. They require a subscription to post.

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