375 Ret Paladin, LF N/H Guild, US-Thrall, Horde

Hey Saeras!

You sound like a perfect fit for our guild Koalaty Time, on Mal’ganis(H). You can see our guild ad here:

We’re currently in N BoD and will be in H in a couple short weeks. We raid Fri/Sun 8-1030pm EST and are assembling an RBG team for Saturday nights at the same time, if you’re into that kind of thing. We especially have a need for a mage, but would love to have you here on whatever character you enjoy playing the most, and if that happens to be your retpal, then we’d love to have you on your retpal here. Our guildies run M+ around the clock and would love to get you joining in on some runs!

If you’d like to chat, feel free to add me on bnet (Conweezy#1387), i’ll send you a request since you left your info. We’d love to get you in discord so you can come hangout with us and see what our guild is all about.

I hope to hear from you!
