370 Rogue / / 380 Ret/OS tank

Hello Sicario! We absolutely need another rogue for our team. We are 3/8M as well and looking for a few more solid DPS for our core progression team.

Our team is on every day doing keys as well, with 1200-1500+ raider IO (links below). We would like to push for CE on a two night schedule and have fun while doing so.

Here is our contact:

Ablarg ( Btag: pwnedyou#1183// Discord: pwnedyou0720#3450)
Ríoghnach (Btag: prizma#11192 // Discord: Mint#3740)
Bannedblarg (Btag: Fatman#1884 // Discord: Fatman#8817)
BlargSwag (Btag: Caswagna#1613 // Discord: Tr4nsc3nd3nc3#5280)

Here is our guild info

Here are our links to our data

