350,000k+ views on Anduin's Knights Alliance raid

10/25/2018 02:03 PMPosted by Yarrow
I'm usually on RP server shards where the factions are far more balanced

Sargeras is 9:1 alliance, i wonder what their excuse is. . .
This is a fun thread to land in the War Mode forums. Can someone pass the salt?
Have warmode on and never seen you guys once since Darkshore prepatch

10/25/2018 02:59 PMPosted by Balanor
This is a fun thread to land in the War Mode forums. Can someone pass the salt?

Funny it started on GD and mods properly moved it. WARMODE FOR LIFE!
10/25/2018 01:58 PMPosted by Tosoto
What happened to having fun?


Only the Horde are allowed to have fun. Or that's what the Horde are used to.
10/25/2018 02:12 PMPosted by Aoeu
10/25/2018 02:03 PMPosted by Yarrow
I'm usually on RP server shards where the factions are far more balanced

Sargeras is 9:1 alliance, i wonder what their excuse is. . .

Shards don't work by server; they work by server type. Sargeras is sharded with all the other Normal servers, and see the same imbalance.
10/25/2018 08:19 AMPosted by Boozefish
You create a thread about pvp then decline a direct pvp challenge.

PVP isn't about waiting until challenged to kill. Unlike most of you corpses, at least your faction leader has enough unrotted brain left to realize that.
10/25/2018 08:31 AMPosted by Ispyn
How can you not know my main? I am the GM of this guild, and what is the guild name? Please at least think before you comment lol.

To be fair, that last is a lot to ask of Horde.
10/25/2018 12:39 PMPosted by Zaisun
ED fights back and can't be stopped by your community of randoms. Stay off our realm, you make us Alliance look bad.

You vatos are slipping.
ED is now TAED
Their claws dug in, and have no intention of leaving.
What is it about Emerald Dream that attracts the potatoiest of the potato off-realm PvP bros?

Does your realm suck that bad you gotta get beat up by RPers to feel some kind of satisfaction?
10/25/2018 04:36 AMPosted by Gorck
You smash Gorck, Gorck smash you back. If 40 of you smash Gorck, Gorck rez every 2 minutes until you smash him again. Then when you get tired and leave, Gorck rez again and smash the last person hearthing out!
Me like Gorck! Gorck for prez!
10/25/2018 05:10 PMPosted by Xeer
What is it about Emerald Dream that attracts the potatoiest of the potato off-realm PvP bros?

Does your realm suck that bad you gotta get beat up by RPers to feel some kind of satisfaction?

I mean, we were just grouping up a few mins ago and jumped some Warbound Legion thugs attacking Boralus, didn't even know we were on the same shard, lol
Ah. The Alliance party poopers who come and completely outnumber a WPvP showdown with equal numbers.

Like last night, in Xibala where it was an equal fight until you sperglords show up and ruined it. Third time I've been apart of group fighting Ally groups on equal footing that you guys show up and ruin.
10/25/2018 06:51 PMPosted by Lysaux
Like last night, in Xibala where it was an equal fight until you sperglords show up and ruined it. Third time I've been apart of group fighting Ally groups on equal footing that you guys show up and ruin.

Aw, poor baby lost a fight? I guess war happened in war mode.
SWBRB/ WSB/D7 did it better.
@Spartanics All your posts on this thread are just salty bro you are just showing everyone how frustrated you are.

So let's see, what is your salt about?

Are you salty because off realmers come on Emerald Dream and stomp your Sylvanis and leave without wiping? We have been raiding Emerald Dream before prepatch release and never wiped once by any of your guilds that you named including your guild Division 7.

Are you salty because Alliance Empire keeps stomping ED horde and now you have 1 more group to worry about?

Or are you salty because Anduin's Knights and Alliance Empire are one of the most known, most viewed and with the most alliance participation in warmode leaving behind all emerald dream horde guilds?

What are you nerds really raging about? PvP happened in warmode?

We have raided Emerald Dream so many times by our selves and with Alliance Empire and we choose Emerald Dream intentionally because we can find more horde over there that might fight back which they do multiple guilds defend yet not a single wipe for us.

One day eventually it will happen when it does we will give you credit for it we don't hide our losses you win some you lose some that is the way it goes you ED guilds cover up your losses you all are just embarrassing yourselves we have so many videos/screenshots to prove all the fights we get into but you deny them..

You step on Sargeras after being salty trying to prove a point and end up wiping on your first ever visit without even putting up a real fight it doesn't matter who wiped you, the ALLIANCE WIPED YOU. Do you understand this?

Our thinking is not realm based, we think as Alliance not guilds or communities having said that Holly has a screenshot of Cryptids League raid fighting your raid, there is also a screenshot Alliance Empire fighting your raid and then there is also a screenshot of ruing gaming fighting your raid.

We have strong faction pride and we defend and fight for our fellow Alliance even if we do not get along with them. WE ARE ALLIANCE.

You talk about challenging us? Who are you to challenge us? We have already challenged you more than 15 times by invading Emerald dream, Killing Sylvanas farming Emerald Dream guilds and leaving your city safely. What challenge are you talking about? Can you please stop embarrassing your self and grow up I am posting once to give you some attention because you clearly want it. I wont feed your trolling all the time.

Coming to Hydra I don't care if they disbanded or still play, not even sure why you would want to drag them in to this. But I do want to add they are not the same anymore just because a small group of people still play doesn't mean Hydra is the same like it was when its not which was a massive community.

You hold hands with WBL/ISR, I can assure you, you will need them you cannot survive on your own. Hold hands tight we are coming for you. You are world pvp vets? We will put you to the test and see what kind of vets you all really are.

See you on the battlefield and please! Stop your trolling and immature arguments, ED horde is too toxic, we just want good fights, we want a war with your entire faction, give us one.

You ED guilds have been sleeping, we are trying to wake you up so you can leave your realms and start hitting other realms. Who is victorious we will see towards the end of this expansion with the most victories, this is too early to decide who is winning the war when it is just starting. :)
10/25/2018 08:31 PMPosted by Ispyn
so many times by our selves and with Alliance Empire

Did you really call Sparta salty then rant for 10 paragraphs?

10/25/2018 08:31 PMPosted by Ispyn
@Spartanics All your posts on this thread are just salty bro you are just showing everyone how frustrated you are.

So let's see, what is your salt about?

Are you salty because off realmers come on Emerald Dream and stomp your Sylvanis and leave without wiping? We have been raiding Emerald Dream before prepatch release and never wiped once by any of your guilds that you named including your guild Division 7.

Are you salty because Alliance Empire keeps stomping ED horde and now you have 1 more group to worry about?

Or are you salty because Anduin's Knights and Alliance Empire are one of the most known, most viewed and with the most alliance participation in warmode leaving behind all emerald dream horde guilds?

What are you nerds really raging about? PvP happened in warmode?

We have raided Emerald Dream so many times by our selves and with Alliance Empire and we choose Emerald Dream intentionally because we can find more horde over there that might fight back which they do multiple guilds defend yet not a single wipe for us.

One day eventually it will happen when it does we will give you credit for it we don't hide our losses you win some you lose some that is the way it goes you ED guilds cover up your losses you all are just embarrassing yourselves we have so many videos/screenshots to prove all the fights we get into but you deny them..

You step on Sargeras after being salty trying to prove a point and end up wiping on your first ever visit without even putting up a real fight it doesn't matter who wiped you, the ALLIANCE WIPED YOU. Do you understand this?

Our thinking is not realm based, we think as Alliance not guilds or communities having said that Holly has a screenshot of Cryptids League raid fighting your raid, there is also a screenshot Alliance Empire fighting your raid and then there is also a screenshot of ruing gaming fighting your raid.

We have strong faction pride and we defend and fight for our fellow Alliance even if we do not get along with them. WE ARE ALLIANCE.

You talk about challenging us? Who are you to challenge us? We have already challenged you more than 15 times by invading Emerald dream, Killing Sylvanas farming Emerald Dream guilds and leaving your city safely. What challenge are you talking about? Can you please stop embarrassing your self and grow up I am posting once to give you some attention because you clearly want it. I wont feed your trolling all the time.

Coming to Hydra I don't care if they disbanded or still play, not even sure why you would want to drag them in to this. But I do want to add they are not the same anymore just because a small group of people still play doesn't mean Hydra is the same like it was when its not which was a massive community.

You hold hands with WBL/ISR, I can assure you, you will need them you cannot survive on your own. Hold hands tight we are coming for you. You are world pvp vets? We will put you to the test and see what kind of vets you all really are.

See you on the battlefield and please! Stop your trolling and immature arguments, ED horde is too toxic, we just want good fights, we want a war with your entire faction, give us one.

You ED guilds have been sleeping, we are trying to wake you up so you can leave your realms and start hitting other realms. Who is victorious we will see towards the end of this expansion with the most victories, this is too early to decide who is winning the war when it is just starting. :)

In simple terms I am a Beta Alliance Male who has no life and I need this to make me feel important.

Serious tl,dr and don't even care. You never show up on the oceanic and were glad cause you would be ignored.
10/25/2018 10:21 PMPosted by Mairisa
Serious tl,dr and don't even care. You never show up on the oceanic and were glad cause you would be ignored.

You cared enough to post.

Oceanic need their own forums, anyway.