3.4k IO, 6/9M Rdruid Looking for Guild

Must be LGBTQ+ friendly. Evening/late night guilds work the best for me, I am not available during mornings and most afternoons.

Basically looking for a nice community to play alongside as I am tired of pugging. Please inquire within :slight_smile:

Hey Sandstab!

I am raid leader of the guild The Travaler and wanted to tell you a bit about our guild.

The Traveler is a small casual guild that is looking to recruit people who love to just hang out, do some raids, mythics, level, questing, pvp, you name it we probably will do it. A lot of us play either all the time or we are on in the evenings to late night, but we have some that are different times as well. We still dont have a lot of people, but we want to get to where we can start raiding as a guild as well.

Hope to hear from ya!

Battle.net - medrex09#1155 or discord - reddevilgaming92

Howdy there! I am an officer in < Hierarchy > 6/9M and we are looking for more players for Season 4. Community is a top priority here and we are a WiW approved guild so we are also a safe haven for everyone to play.

I see this post is now nearly two weeks old but if you are still on the hunt for a team please reach out to me on discord at deevil311