320% worth of XP pots?

Blizz fixes bugs fast but this has been here for days now. Many ppl are telling me that its not a bug so i think i might try it

Yes, but again that’s not the definition of ignorance. It’s again a decision made by an individual who has the ability to do it, regardless of said consequence…

If blizz doesn’t roll levels back or ban anyone, I just want to see all the “I wish I did it posts.”

XP Potion stacking

You can currently stack the buff from Draught of Ten Lands - Item - World of Warcraft if you separate them into stacks of 1 before using them.

This is way it is done.
I found it at ownedcore .com in the forums /world-of-warcraft/world-of-warcraft-exploits/781917-xp-potion-stacking.html
I won’t do this as I know it is cheating. Hopefully Blizzard will do something to correct it.

Often it comes down to exploiting a bug, which is covered in the EULA.

During Legion, there was a timewalking bug that was available to everyone where players could eternally repeat the weekly quest that awarded the 500 Timewarped Badges. Some players upon realizing it began intentionally exploiting it to an extreme degree. Once the bug was fixed, the worse offenders were actioned for exploiting.


The interesting part of this ‘exploit’. The stat buff it gave caused people to pull like mad in lower level dungeons.

Do you take action against all the other people in the group who benefited from the tank with +400 to all stats at level 30? Just curious, because the speed that lower level dungeons were going was similar to how it was before they nerfed heirlooms.

Does blizzard take action against people who benefited from someone else exploiting?

I feel like it would be situational, I could see the exploiters themselves suffering the full brunt of it. While by proxy, the rest of the group gained some benefit I think it’s moreso the fact that experience and stats were being manipulated for personal gain. Which as Levíathan, stated is a mar against the EULA. I think it would be more of a use the few to example for the mass.

You had to provide a link to the exploit?

The people in the dungeon are not benefiting from the flask. they do not get the exp/damage increase. they are getting the same reward from completing a dungeon as normal. It may be a bit faster clearing but it does not directly benefit them.

Yes I did so that Blizzard can go there and see all the other cheats they may have missed.

Not sure. I suspect each is custom tailored to the circumstances.

Even with the TW bug, Bliz didn’t hit everyone who ran it more than once. There was a concentration on those who met some internal criteria that Bliz set for that specific exploit.

Yeah, and so can every other knucklehead with no sense. I’m pretty sure Blizzard is quite aware of that site. You are not helping.

You have no idea on how mind-boggling stupid people are.

It appears to have been hotfixed. Not sure what the verdict is on those that abused/exploited it for lvls though.

The method is posted all over these forums. Its no secret.

Just tested it out. It has been hotfixed. You can no longer stack them.

Yup, well there goes another way to quickly level alts.

Nobody at all got any punishment? Way to set the precedent Blizzard.


you guys going to fix the timer not showing?