Also I made a thread about this yesterday.
Also I made a thread about this yesterday.
I’m not spending 3M on tabs. I’ll just make guilds with my alt army and use those banks.
Watch out, world. Kalimdor Mercantile LLC is aggressively expanding.
I’m assuming you mean alts on other servers, right?
Because all my toons, both horde and alliance, are mostly on Proudmoore and every week my alts send the gold from world quests to my two mains via in-game mail, so sending gold/mats/consumables to/from alts isn’t an issue now, except across servers (I have one lonely toon on Duskwood that is cutoff from the assets the other toons have on Proudmoore). Even with current restrictions, I can send “account-bound” items to my loner on Duskwood.
Or does “currencies” include stuff beyond gold in The War Within? I guess I need to read up more on Warbands and their benefits/limitations.
Honestly wish they’d have just made currencies across the account rather than having to send it between them, including gold.
I don’t mind the system they came up with it just feels like its got a middle man is all.
Most likely, the first tab will be all I need.
I’m sure the currencies will be the ones that fit in the bag and $$.
Look here
About half way down there is a section of how to transfer currencies.
it’s under paragraph called " NO CURRENCY CONFUSION"
Great! Thanks for that link; clears up how the Currencies “tab” (non-gold) stuff will work.
you aren’t actually ADDING gold to the game, the gold comes from the player who buys the game token. you’re just MOVING gold from them to you. with blizz taking the cash.
Im also Gonna make you an offer you can’t refuse.
My main and alts have done just fine for the past 17 years, trading back and forth when needed. This new bank isn’t something I’ll use at all, much less pay through the nose for the privilege of usage.
Yup, that’s what I’m getting out of the Warband bank. It’s no more convenient than just moving things around in my personal Guild banks.
What else are you going to spend your fake money on? Carries? Transmogs?
you dont need to buy all tabs lol. the one tab is more then enough for me
It’s 126,000g for an additional 296 slots of storage. Even people super bad with Gold shouldn’t have a problem swinging that.
Well, I can tell you, Ill be hanging onto my extra guild banks.
A question: which would have been better (a) 5 tabs x 10k gold each or (b) this.
Anyone who says (b) needs to get some help. This has been done for one reason only - to get more Token sales. There is no other purpose, because if they can make one tab they can make 5. Hell, they could make 10.
And it will be a huge help to bot farmers. The rest of us - well, I will never have those extra tabs because my game time is very limited now and whatever gold I make goes towards paying for my sub. Which is sort of a bit more important than this.
ill get the few slots and add my bank toon that has a guild vault to the warband so no problems there
you could always do this. they’re not asking to to trade one for the other.
Do you get the concept of Quality of Life?
Of course the warbank is more convenient, especially for people with lots of alts. Convenience has always been what makes QoL inclusions important.
ESO - which monetizes the hell of its game - give subscribers the Craft Bag which is literally limitless AND automatically lodges collected materials into the Craft Bag, available to all characters. AND they don’t charge extra for it.
Frankly, I would have respected them more if they’d put the warbank tabs up on the store for a one-time fee. At least that would have been honest.