I play Lock/rogue/Dh/Rsham. open to moving servers and gearing new toon if needed. Looking for weekday raids unfortunately weekends dont work for me. 271 Lock 270 DH 260 Rogue.
Hi there! What times are you looking to raid?
weekdays and late west coast time zone
We raid 10pm EST to 12:30 Tu/Th. Would those times work for you?
might be a bit too early
Ahh okay. Well if anything changes for you, hit me up on bnet, Amerrol#1654. I’d love to talk more if you could make our times work.
Guild & Server: [Discipline] [Alliance]: (US) - Aegwynn
2/11 M SFO
11/11 H SFO
5/10 M SOD
Raid Days/Times:
Tuesdays 7:30PM - 10:30PM CST
Wednesday 7:30PM - 10:30PM CST
Discipline had a civil revolution and ended SoD spectacularly, we are aiming to get as far as possible in SotFo and potentially CE!
We are a truly unique group of individuals who all live very busy real lives. We’re a fun and engaging community with players across all time zones. There are always active players online. We are efficient but not hard-core. At our core we push top end content but have players of all aspects of the game (Mythic+, PvP, Mount Hunter, Tmogers, Nomadic horde arriving fresh from O-grim-oar). We like to keep a note of fun in what we do. Progress is the goal but doing it without some laughs sucks.
Discipline is a LGBTQ friendly guild, toxic behavior and drama are not tolerated and will be dealt with IMMEDIATELY.
Raider Requirements: Reliable attendance, High Learning Curve, desire to play the game.
Immediate openings available for Mage, Boomkin, Warlocks, Hunters, SP, ALL RANGE DPS
Join the fastest whimsical Alliance guild!
Recruitment Contacts: Shimmers#9567 (Discord), Thorr#8990 (Discord) or
*** Giauzer#8101(discord)/Giau#11835(btag) ***
Hey man,
Check us out:
Hello Enjoying!
I am Cadenza of Agile Peacocks on Proudmoore, a mythic prog guild that is in your ballpark. You didn’t seem to leave much information but I can assure you we are looking for the classes you are offering. We don’t recruit for the roster so that isn’t something you’d need to worry about. We raid weekdays, mon/wed/thur from 10pm est to 1am est. Hopefully this is a good fit for you! If you wanna learn more about us I will leave you with our guild website, it is rather extensive and should clarify any questions.
If the information provided isn’t sufficient my contact info can be found on our WoWprog so feel free to reach out! I hope you can find your home with us!
Would be interested in chatting… info found in my post here: [A] [Cenarius] <Something Shiny> lfm for Dragonflight
Hello! Aether is a 2 night per week raiding guild who recently transferred our mythic team to Illidan from a low pop server cluster. We have continued to improve our raiding roster over the last two tiers and are on the cusp of becoming a CE guild. We were 9/10 M last tier raiding less than 6 hours per week until half way through. We are currently 4/11M SFO.
Our raids are light-hearted and we joke around a lot because while we play this game to kill bosses, we’re gonna have a good time doing it. We value consistency, but if someone can’t make a raid night, they simply let the raid leader know beforehand and we find a replacement, no biggie as long as it’s not a common occurrence. We do have high expectations and you should be open to constructive criticism when necessary, but we build our raiders up and invest in helping each other improve. This is a great community and we’d love you to join us!
Raid Times: Tuesday and Thursday @ 6-9 PST (9-12 EST)
Currently recruiting Ranged DPS and a Main Tank for our Mythic Raid team. We are always interested in anyone who can play at a high level, but classes in high demand include: Warlock, Shaman, Mage, and Shadow priest. Additionally, we’re looking for a high level Warrior.
For more information, feel free reach out to Kyreli#2946, Searing#7733, Arias#6654, or Saviour (Effectz)#4746 on Discord. We’d love to hear from you
Hey Enjoying! Saw your interaction above about raid times being too early and totally understand. Thought I would post this here just in case. Please reach out if interested!
damdifino#5943 (Discord)
Subst#5741 (Discord)
Rain-Thrall is recruiting dps and healers to strengthen our roster. We are currently 5/11M with 7% progression on Halondrus. We raid Tuesdays & Wednesdays 9-11:30pm EST and a lot of our members push 20+ keys outside of raid days.
If you have any additional questions, feel free to add me on discord teranasauras.rex#0775
thanks for all the replies. at this point im mainly looking for a guild to push m+ with not sure ill be able to commit to any raid times atm. Feel free to add me on btag steven#1927
Hey man,
contact info: Bnet: Arthedain#1846, Discord: Arth#0814
Check us out: [H] Shandris/Bronzebeard <HardcoreCasuals> 3/3 H F Raid, Looking for players for AOTC and M+
Hey! My guild is recruiting! Currently 4/11M, would love to talk about your DPS classes to potentially fit in with our push team! Add my discord for more info! Shadowfange#9160 Thanks!
You might be a good fit for our Alliance guild, Utsukushii Saisei, 4/11M 11/11H SotFO, is a long standing tight knit group of players who banded together during late BC and early WotLK to form a raiding team. We value personal integrity and the ability to voice opinions amid the chaos of raid progression. While it is never our goal to achieve illustrious realm first titles, we raid with the intent to challenge ourselves and accomplish great feats as a team. Our community, while rowdy, is good to one another. We have met in person at Blizzcon multiple times and aim to do so following the lifting of pandemic restrictions in the future.
Raiding typically runs 3 hours on Tuesday/Thursday from 8PM-10PM PST. Saturday and Sundays are optional alt raids and low rating RBGs.
Our guild has not used a formal loot system for four expansions. Those looking for a rigid structured loot council or point system are recommended to look elsewhere. Although this lack of a system creates the possibility of large gear disparities between raiders, individual generosity tends to balance things out when the dice fail to do so. An old raider once said, “Loot always drops again”, a very simple look at WoW in general. Our story lies in the adventures we share rather than in the items generated by the game.
We take great pride in the community that we’ve established. The memories of our journeys outweigh numeric achievements and we’re confident in our ability to provide an established environment for players of all backgrounds and goals.
If you’re still interested, contact:
GM: Kalcifur (Bnet: TKMori#1560 Discord: Katsuto1055#8769)
Officer: Friarbeta (Bnet: xerox445#1890 Discord: Drucidal#7589)
Discord Code: JhJDKGrtU7
Hi Enjoying, we could use another dps on our team. Info here: [A] [Cenarius] <Something Shiny> lfm for Dragonflight
[H][US][BlackwaterRaiders] 3/11 M LF Raiders
Progression: 11/11 N, 11/11 H, 3/11 M
Raid times: Tues and Thursday 8 pm-11:30 am EST with a 30min flex period after 11:30 pm for continuing boss attempts or BoE farming. We also have a JV Raid Team that runs on Wednesday and Monday nights at the same times for alts and people who don’t make the progression team.
Hello, I am the Guild Lead for The Deadmen. We are a Horde guild on BlackwaterRaiders (in the US).
Our guild is the largest and most active on our server, and now we are looking to take the title of the best progression-wise and get some realm firsts. Our guild has some seriously talented PvPers and Mythic+ runners. We have people cranking out keys all week and pushing keys from the mid-teens to the low 20s.
We are seeking friendly, capable players interested in completing mythic content and who like to spend time with their guildies. Our goal is to be the top guild on our server for progression AND community. We also strive to maintain a competitive and fun environment.
Please message me on discord if you are interested: TheGantaGun#3912
Battle Tag: TheGantaGun#1518