3/10M raiders looking to raid

We would love to have you guys :slight_smile: Please reach out!

10/10h - 4/10m
Raid: Weds/Thurs 7-9:30PM CST Mandatory for Mythic Raiders on the Mythic prog team.
Optional raid day: Tues 7-9:30PM CST (Mythic reclear/farm)
Off nights: Currently working on KSM in mythic+ for the guild. With recent valor changes, this is quite important.
We have several 2100+ arena players as well as a few gladiators.

We are looking for a few more talented players for our mythic progression team. Currently 1 night into Lady prog @ 15% Best pull. We are also very interested in Mythic+ players that just need a chill home to hangout in and meet people. Maybe you might step into Mythic raiding.

We have a solid core group of players that are fantastic! We strive for a positive guild environment and we will not tolerate anything less. We have a firm rule we stand by that the best 20 go during progression. This is not meant to be a negative thing, but we need players to understand this. Our main goal in this guild is for the guild itself to progress. You must have this same mindset and hopefully strive to be one of the best 20. With our relaxed raid schedule, it’s important that we are efficient with our time, show up promptly, and are ready for quick pulls. Researching fights, having 90% attendance, and performing your role exceptionally are requirements to be on the Mythic raid team. We have several players within the guild that are completely fine being on the bench as they cannot commit to raiding every single week and or raid day. We love having these types of players within the guild as this can be very helpful in absence of a raider. We highly welcome more of these players and we actively bring them in on mythic farm bosses and even progression bosses if needed.

Will consider any class and spec. We recruit the player not the class. Please have logs available upon request. We prefer a voice interview in discord for all that are interested.

Those should apply if any of the following describe you:

  1. You are interested in raiding with a serious, relaxed, and mannered Mythic progression team that takes raiding serious but wants to have fun while doing so.
  2. You want to be part of a small community within a guild doing daily activities of M+ / PvP and of course raiding. We still actively do heroic clears on off nights and all are welcome! We also bring in players that may not be on the current progression roster to our Mythic farm bosses.
  3. You are trying to get into mythic raiding and you want to be surrounded by good players that are currently progressing in Mythic to learn from and or work your way up to earn a spot yourself. You must be self motivated for this.
  4. You are currently a performing M+ player looking for others to push keys with and maybe you would like to get some mythic kills here and there.
  5. You can’t commit to raiding the same days every week, but you still want to down some of the content each tier. We value bench players and you will get play time!

If interested, Contact our recruiting officer Dom or myself. Thankyou.

Discord: TheRealRyan#1044
Bnet: Ryan#1397

Recruitment officer
Discord: Domincela#6066
Bnet: Domincela#1800

One Hundred Proof Sargeras (10/10H) (6/10M) is recruiting several positions for Mythic Progression into Castle Nathria. Raid Times are Tues/Wed @ 8:30-11:30p CST. We are also raiding Heroic (Optional) on Sundays @ 8PM CST.

One Hundred Proof has returned to mythic progression raiding. We are excited about our current progression and are optimistic of what the future will bring.

One Hundred Proof offers a non-toxic community full of dedicated people who share a common appreciation for downing bosses. We have many players that have been playing together since Legion where we were a top 20 guild on Sargeras. One Hundred Proof has been around for quite some time. We have a strong sense of community, with a ZERO drama policy. Come join our group to find out more.

Mythic raiding experience for CN is appreciated but is not required. We are mostly looking for competent players who have raided mythic in the past, are able to learn at a quick pace, and who research and study the fights prior to progression.

Although we only raid two times a week, One Hundred Proof has always tried to do the best we can with the time we are given. This means we are looking for players who are relatively independent in terms of researching fights, gearing up toons, and basically doing everything you can (within reason) to prepare for raid.

You can apply directly on our guild website ( onehundredguild.com/apply), whisper Weirdidan-Sargeras or add Weirdman#1631 for questions or concerns.

Thank you,

Sanctimonious of Sargeras server is accepting ranged classes for trial! We are currently in progression on mythic Stone Legion and are looking for a few ranged classes to add to our roster. We are a semi-hardcore guild that raids two days a week. We are currently using loot council paired with the RCLootCouncil addon. Qualities that we look for in raiders include being committed, non toxic, and mature.

Classes we are looking for:

  • Balance Druid, Mage, Shadow Priest

Raid Times:

  • Tues-Thurs Mythic 7:45pm-11:30pm EASTERN TIME.
  • Monday Alt raid (Optional) 7:45pm-11:30pm EASTERN TIME

Our Current Progression in Heroic Castle Nathria:

  • 8/10 Mythic Castle Nathria

If you are interested, please go to our website and fill out our application here! Logs are required in order for your application to be considered.

Website --> Guildsofwow .com /sanctimonious

This is my Discord for Direct contact: Sophieann#2492

Hello Unprotected Hex is a dedicated & organized raiding guild that has 4 strong raiding teams. We started the guild 2 months after mythic raiding came out, so we got a bit of late start but expect to be achieving better ranks each tier. We are going hard 9.1 and all spots are competitive and open!

Please join our discord and fill out our app or message Trixster on discord.gg/unprotectedhex if interested - thank you for your time

Main Team T/W/Thurs 10/10M 10:45PM-2AM(EST)

Team Hoodslam T/Thurs 8/10M 10:00PM-1AM(EST)

Hexual Healing Fri/Sat 8/10M 10pm-1am(EST)

Hex Addicts -Sunday / Monday 9pm - 12am EST 6/10M

come check us out!

Hi! My guild Yiff Paw All Stars is on horde Zul’jin looking for a few more players to fill out our full roster for 9.1
We are currently 9/10M expecting to down Denathrius this week for CE. Our raid times are Tues/Thurs 9:30 est to 12:30am. I know you are looking primarily for an AOTC guild and we are pushing for CE each tier, but would love to speak to you if you are interested in downing heroic fast and maybe rotating into mythic from time to time with a solid group of people on a more relaxed raiding schedule.
Feel free to reach out to me on discord at chime#9291 or on Bnet Kevinßacon#1166 to chat more! :slight_smile:

Sent you a battle net request don’t want to bore you much with the spam. Simple reply is we are AoTc focused who dabbles in mythic we switched raid from weekends to weekdays. Tuesday & Wednesday so need to fill up roster from loss of members due to the switch hope to hear from you on battle net.

I’m not sure if you count Friday as the weekend or not but [Dragonmaw] Horde- We raid Wednesday’s 9pm-12am EST, and Friday’s 11pm-2am, We are a newly formed guild as of the end of May, and we also started raiding the first week of June and have cleared 10/10N and 7/10H so far, Looking to close out our AOTC before 9.1(Alot of us are returning players) We would be interested in all of you! If you have anymore questions, go ahead and add me on Discord: Karmazeus#3504

Hi there, just sent you a btag friend request. Look forward to hearing from you.